he really likes hospitals oh baby [OPEN]

Aug 15, 2010 02:02

Who: Big Boss & anyone that wants to see a grouchy, blind old man bound to a hospital bed
When: Sunday to Wednesday? WHENEVER YOU LIKE
Where: Skye Medical
Summary: Big Boss almost got killed while chasing the remnants with Triela, but instead of losing his life he just lost his eye and is now in the hospital! Whoo! He also punched a doctor in the ( Read more... )

kazuhira miller, aoyagi ritsuka, shijima kurookano, liquid snake, triela, ocelot, big boss

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Comments 35

snuffdoll August 15 2010, 00:59:33 UTC
Triela had studied religion but she'd never really considered it for herself. That didn't stop Doctor Daedalus Yumeno from being a Godsend. Big Boss had ordered her to the hospital and she'd obeyed, but Daedalus had coaxed her into allowing some initial treatment. Three of the bullets she'd dug out of her own arms herself. He'd examined her and said gently, "I wish you hadn't done that."

"I needed to," was her curt reply to him.

She'd run away, eventually. Jack was taken in and she wasn't allowed to follow, and as it turned out, he wasn't the only one to make a scene and strike a doctor. Triela had been held back by men twice her size after kicking a man in charge of Jack's gurney in the face. She could swear she felt a molar or two dislodge through the heel of her boot. And honestly, she did feel bad for it. It had been an accident. There was just no way her mind would allow her body to stay still when Jack was being touched and handled and taken away.Proving to Daedalus that she wouldn't faint on the way back took a little while ( ... )


heavendivided August 15 2010, 11:55:17 UTC
He doesn't know why his forearm is resting on his eyes. It's not like there's any light, and it's not like it can get any darker. He suspects, when he hears the click of boots, that it's another doctor entering and telling him how sorry they were about his eye, but there's nothing they can do. It wouldn't be the first time, but this would have been his last assignment, then.

A soldier is nothing without his eyes. It's equivalent to dying, and that's exactly how Jack feels. A little more dead, even if the ECG is telling him otherwise. His condition is stable, although it hasn't been that unstable to begin with. But for him, it can't be worse.

And Triela isn't the only one that has to live with the shame now. He's never failed an assignment before, save for the one that had been supposed to fail to begin with. Sometimes there were minor setbacks, but never complete failure. He's fought enemies that don't bleed before and taken them down. Why not these? Why are rockets and bullets not enough? What else can he do ( ... )


snuffdoll August 15 2010, 21:42:47 UTC
She wants to say, Dummy. She wants to say, Of course I am. She wants to start crying. She wants to pull him out of bed. She wants him to pick her up. She wants to shoot everyone who'd stuck needles into him - slam their heads against walls or windows, ask them what the hell they thought they were doing. You'll hurt him! But that might be hypocritical ( ... )


heavendivided August 15 2010, 23:34:36 UTC
If he could, he'd lift his arm right now and pet her head in a comforting gesture. He'd probably still try it, if he didn't know that she'd disapprove of it, so he can only respond weakly, and with words. He can feel her fingers, and that's enough ( ... )


ysobritish August 15 2010, 12:24:13 UTC
Liquid had delayed his visit to the hospital as long as he could, knowing from his talk with Kadaj just how bad it was. He was still burning with rage inside at the thought of it. A soldier's eyes were their lifeline. Perhaps there were some that could still be made use of while blind, but without their eyes they couldn't aim, couldn't see where the enemy was. Putting out his Father's eye had been the worst possible thing they could have done, and Kadaj had bragged about what his brother had done. He wanted to go after them, kill them- but he held back ( ... )


heavendivided August 15 2010, 12:54:58 UTC
Well, there was somebody he hadn't expected to see - wrong word - meet again so soon. His hearing was good, and by god, he was more than used to relying on his other senses when he couldn't use his eyes, but it was a different matter altogether to be indefinitely restricted. He tensed up whenever he heard the most inconspicuous sound - the creaking of the bed, the buzz of a fly -, and felt about ready to jump out of the window as soon as he registered footsteps coming closer. He was hypervigilant by nature, but absolute darkness made him paranoid, and didn't allow him to let down his guard.

When Liquid touched him (just a few inches away from his throat--), he flinched, and his breathing became erratic for a few seconds. He's going to kill me. There was no way in hell Liquid wouldn't use that opportunity, right? Instinctively, he grasped the man's wrist as hard as possible in his current condition, ready to break it because his subconscious registered it as a threat. It took a bit for rationality to kick back in ( ... )


ysobritish August 15 2010, 13:17:28 UTC
Well that had backfired.

Still, he couldn't really blame the man for being paranoid. He wouldn't have waited if he'd been in the same situation. His fingers lightly drummed against Big Boss' shoulder, a silent reprimand. It was oddly pitiful to see, that paranoid reaction ( ... )


heavendivided August 15 2010, 14:04:48 UTC
Weight on his bed. Someone leaning over him. You didn't need to see in order to know that. Oddly enough, his words were strangely comforting, too; despite the underlying threat. Maybe because there was also a promise in them - when you're less helpless.


"I don't know," he replied. When they decided what to do about my eyesight, I guess. Until now, no one had even told him what exactly was up with that...irreparable damage probably wasn't out of the question. His arm was nothing, and would heal up quickly, especially with some help. The abdominal wound wasn't too bad, either, so that couldn't be the reason why they kept him here ( ... )


little_bandages August 15 2010, 17:50:50 UTC
Ritsuka hadn't been to the hospital since he had a check up a few months ago with Dr. Ishida and asked for money. Fortunately he'd never had another reason to go, and his supply of bandages had stayed relatively untouched once Soubi went away. Mostly, the place filled him of memories of home, of doctors quietly speaking. They'd run so many tests when his memory first disappeared. It was a cold, unhappy time. He'd never have made it if Seimei hadn't been there to hold his hand through such a nonsensical time.

Now that he thought about it, those echoing halls, those hushed, faceless women and men in labcoats were his first memories. His heart was in his stomach. He didn't want to be here, but on the other hand, he was sort of glad that Jack was getting professional care - that he was somewhere that Ritsuka could visit.

Jack wasn't allowed to disappear. Everyone important disappeared. Jack wasn't allowed.

Clenching and unclenching tiny fists, Ritsuka steeled himself for the courage to go inside - and not, he reminded himself, not yell ( ... )


heavendivided August 16 2010, 21:31:16 UTC
Ever since ending up here, Jack was continuously in a daze. Sometimes half-asleep, sometimes half-awake, but never fully asleep or fully awake, and it left him hyper vigilant and paranoid. He didn't appreciate being pumped full of painkillers and other drugs to keep him docile - exactly for what Ritsuka had just mentioned, punching doctors.

Ritsuka. It took a while for him to process the voice and the name, but he wouldn't have a face to go along with them, save for the one in his memory.

Ice cream. Flowers.

"Ah..." It was a rather disoriented sound, but enough sign that he was awake and listening. He'd need a few more moments to leave the fog and respond properly, with words, and not with fists, because his instincts took over.

"I hope you didn't come here alone." He really wanted to say, I don't know if it'll get better, and I'd love to see the flowers, but, - but none of that seemed very appropriate. He was glad the boy was here, and at the same time he wasn't. He shouldn't be seeing him like this ( ... )


little_bandages August 17 2010, 07:54:52 UTC
Ritsuka ducked his head a little, instinctively, when Jack went for his ears. In spite of his trust for his friend and makeshift parent, the physical scars of his life before Siren's Port remained, and he was rather prone to flinching. Without Soubi around breaking down his barriers with constant like touch like someone gentling a feral cat, Ritsuka was touchy and closed off in spite of his gregarious nature ( ... )


spawnedbywar August 15 2010, 18:41:48 UTC
Kaz had lost track of the hours long ago. Time had ceased to be a thing to be measured as soon as he walked through the hospital doors into a sterile, white environment, and by the time he had a chance to speak to the doctor (an act itself that had been a lengthy process with much shouting, arguing, and a good dose of lying to sweeten the deal) about Jack and Triela, the hours began to bleed together and he was hardly aware that he'd spent so long here to begin with. His wristwatch said it was half past four and somehow he still didn't believe it; consciously, he was still five hours behind and just as dull with grim, palpable shock -- the very same he'd felt when he got his first good look at Jack ( ... )


heavendivided August 16 2010, 22:50:42 UTC
Jack wouldn't have minded sleeping for most of the day and most of the night if it wasn't a dreamless sleep. At least in his dreams, he could still see; but like this, there was nothing but a dark, bottomless pit, just like his left eye socket felt. It wasn't the darkness that wore him down, though; it was the knowledge that it was an endless one, that light likely wouldn't return to him. Of all the senses he could lose and has lost, this was probably the most critical one - a soldier is nothing without his eyes, unable to differentiate between enemy and ally. Unable to shoot a gun ( ... )


spawnedbywar August 17 2010, 20:22:39 UTC
Jack had been making all manner of noises over the course of the night; restless, troubled sounds that would have been accompanied by tossing and turning had it not have been for needles sticking out of his arms, the gentle but sharp pull that must have warned his unconscious mind not to put up a fight. Sometimes they were soft, barely audible unless one cared to listen. Most of the time they were loud enough to snap the younger man back to reality when his brain had started to fog over with exhaustion, pained enough for him to reach out to graze his fingers against Jack's wrist, and when that didn't still him, his shoulder. Little gestures meant to comfort even if they couldn't possibly be felt by the other, not when he was like this. He really was stuck in his own little world, but to call it that didn't even feel right. It was less of a realm and more of a mist, and to pick apart the pain from the drugs would have been impossible. Whichever it might have been, he was probably already consumed by it. He wouldn't be waking up for the ( ... )


heartdissonance August 15 2010, 22:00:03 UTC
Evidence of Shijima Kurookano's presence isn't made known until she sets herself atop the edge of the hospital bed, and even then, she's so light. Right away she's leaning over him, examining his face, seeing him fully when he cannot do the same. Right away she's inhaling, trying to find the scent of death. Always, always he has it, but if he's going to die, it should become more prominent. It doesn't and Shijima shuts her eyes, lets her hair fall against him, and wonders why the realization that he will in fact live through this seems to suck an inch of ice water out of her lungs. It would be a pity if he died, maybe-- That is, she would be wont for the company. Though she wouldn't deny him such a thing, there is ( ... )


heavendivided August 16 2010, 00:14:11 UTC
He doesn't wake up immediately. Recently, he's sleeping a lot, and it's hard to tell for people whether or not he is because there are no eyes. Even the nurses can't tell, so they usually just let people go in and see for themselves. So much for wanting the patient to get some rest, if people can just come and leave as they like. But he's not complaining. Jack can sleep any time, but when he's awake, it's good not to be alone, even though he always, always instinctively flinches first when he realizes there's someone in the room with him. And sometimes, on top of him ( ... )


heartdissonance August 16 2010, 00:31:27 UTC
Had he broken it, she wouldn't have fussed very much. Swatted at him, admonished him - then she'd have set it and that would be that. At least it would have given her something to do. She doesn't consider herself very good at this part.

Ah, yet she hadn't kept away.

"Yes, yes," she says, and pats the side of his jaw before drawing her hand back. "I know. I'm not doing any shaving today."

The wounded and the unconscious tend to feel something when she's nearby. It's like a sense of eternity - it's like knowing that the utmost calm is about three inches away from how far they can reach. Jack is not dying, but they've filled his veins with so much of God knows what; Shijima speculates that he's a little bit off right now. Maybe he can feel her. Maybe he can just feel her hair. She's not sure which option she prefers ( ... )


heavendivided August 16 2010, 01:10:37 UTC
She's not too heavy. She basically weighs nothing, and even though she brushes against his injuries on stomach and chest, he barely registers it. He's always been numb to the pain in his chest, and for everything else, he has the painkillers. You could probably cut off his arm and he wouldn't feel it ( ... )


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