
Aug 10, 2010 23:23

Who: hellsing_heir and atrumcanis
When: Late Afternoon!
Where: Tower Apartments!
Summary: Sirius goes to meet a Knight. Instead he gets a little girl.
Warnings: None so far!
She was about to meet someone she had never met before without her butler or vampire at hand. )

sirius black, integra hellsing

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atrumcanis August 11 2010, 04:22:29 UTC
So, a knight, was it? Sirius was interested, despite himself. Of course, it probably wasn't the best idea to wander off to meet some complete and utter stranger--but it wasn't as if he was defenseless or anything. And he'd already set this all up, it was important to follow through with it--however mean spirited it might be.

The Tower Apartments were rather close, but Sirius Apparated a few blocks away, too lazy to walk the entire distance. Once he'd arrived, well--there were a few people about. Right, so, which of these people looked the most knight-ish?

None of them, really. There were a few people about, but none of them exactly said "knight". No armor, anyways--that was compulsory for a knight, wasn't it? Sirius squinted at a few likely blokes, though none of them were overly likely. Just people talking with one another, and a little girl in a skirt ( ... )


hellsing_heir August 11 2010, 04:50:33 UTC
Integra's shoes grazed the ground, not quite swinging her feet--After all, that would be childish --As she watched the people in front of the building. The Tower Apartments were not in the best area, areas she had really only heard about, much less been there on her own.

The blond girl pushed her glasses back up her nose, eyes on the young man who had just walked by and taken a seat. He was the only one who had come by that had not entered the building, and he didn't seem to be talking to anyone... Maybe he could be Severus.

Well, only one way to find out.

The twelve year old slid off her chair, smoothing out her skirt before walking up to the other, a grin on her face. "Hey Mister!" Cheerful, nothing out of the ordinary, right? "I haven't seen you here before."

...'Just keep your cool, you can pull this off.'


atrumcanis August 11 2010, 05:13:46 UTC
What? Sirius spared the girl a glance and rolled his eyes. The kid in the skirt. Smiling, too; Merlin. It had been glorious, not having to hang around kids all the time.

What did she want, anyways?

"I expect you haven't seen a great deal of things," he replied coolly, looking quite purposefully away from her, "titchy little thing like you. Perhaps I was hanging around here on a day that you weren't wearing those specs, or something."

Still no knights in shining armor. Probably it would have been better to be more specific, get additional details--well, he hadn't expected a whole crowd of people, had he. It hadn't seemed necessary. He yawned again and glanced back at the girl. "D'you need something, or are you just extremely chatty? If it's the latter, I'd suggest you clear off."


hellsing_heir August 11 2010, 05:24:39 UTC
She had to keep from bristling, which was half helped by the fact that the usual presence in the back of her mind, one that would either snicker at what was making her angry or mimic how she felt, remained silent and devoid of the usual snark. She couldn't feel Alucard at all, damn him and whoever brought her to this place.

"I bet you don't talk to adults like that." She remarked, rolling her eyes behind her glasses, testing the waters further without fully jumping in yet.. Really, most of her father's contacts were jerks, but Walter was the one the one who took care of dealing with them now.


atrumcanis August 11 2010, 05:31:42 UTC
Cute, and then suddenly prim? Sirius narrowed his eyes at the girl. Really. Kids these days. She wasn't as terrible as she could have been, yet, but no less irritating. Like school all over again, only no prefects to take points.

"Like what?" He smirked at her, pushing one hand through his hair. "Not everyone is quite concerned with pleasing adults, you know. But, please, if you've a lecture prepared on the subject, I would so love to hear it. I certainly haven't anything better to do."


hellsing_heir August 11 2010, 05:42:45 UTC
"Dismissive" She shot back, tilting her head to look at him properly. "I might be a kid, but maybe I something important to say too." Really, if there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was being dismissed for being a kid. She was was a Knight of the Round Table, for God's sake.

"I bet," Integra said slowly, shifting her weight back for a moment onto her heels. "You wouldn't talk to a Knight that way."


atrumcanis August 11 2010, 05:55:31 UTC
"Doubtful," Sirius drawled with a pointed yawn, "kids rarely have important things to say."

That next bit did sort of get his attention--slightly. It was quite direct, anyways. Knight, eh? He raised one of his eyebrows, giving her a blank sort of stare and another smirk. "Would, actually. As I've never met one, I can only speculate, of course, but I'm sure it wouldn't be much different."


hellsing_heir August 11 2010, 17:55:40 UTC
Integra did not have much experience in dealing with these matters...And well, who really was prepared to be dragged away from their homes without any notice? The girl stared right back at him, trying to figure out what to make of this man, now that she was near-certain he was this Severus Snape that she had spoken to over the NV's.

"Well," She said good naturally, clasping her hands behind her back. "You have met one, actually." Yeah, enough of this dancing around, she wanted to go home now, and he said that he knew how to do it! The girl extended her hand to him, looking a litte bit more serious now. "Sir Integra Hellsing, pleased to meet you."


atrumcanis August 11 2010, 18:24:06 UTC
There was a moment--just a moment, a little less than a beat--where Sirius stared at the girl. What could really be said, in answer to such a statement?

"You're a knight," he said eventually, flatly. Another moment, just absorbing that information--and then, of course, he burst out laughing. There wasn't any way that her claim was possible. No way.

He took her hand, shaking it rather enthusiastically. "Pleased to meet you, Sir Knight, I'm Merlin himself. You can't be serious, can you--you've got to be having me on. What sort of England would have you for a knight? What would you do, kick 'em in the bloody shins?"


hellsing_heir August 11 2010, 19:14:55 UTC
He's laughing at her. The girl bristled visibly for a moment before schooling her features back into a more neutral one, although her eyes remained icy. Of course he wouldn't believe her. But who really cared? She didn't need him to believe her, just to get her back home.

"Sir Hellsing." She corrected him, annoyed. "And I would not pull one over you, believe me or otherwise." As for what she did...Well, she wasn't supposed to tell people about that.


atrumcanis August 11 2010, 21:21:01 UTC
"Sir Hell, right, right," he assented with a grin. She'd been irritated for at least a minute there, he had seen it in her face. Little Miss Knight seemed a bit on the cool side, for all her titchiness.

Honestly, how could she possibly be a knight, twiggy little thing as she was. Knight of the round tea-table, perhaps. Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a rather superior look.

"All right, Sir Singing Hell. Let's say I accept that you're the knight. What's it you're in such a hurry to do, then? It's all right if you miss your school lessons for a bit, you know; they'll understand. Don't rush off for that reason alone."


hellsing_heir August 12 2010, 14:37:09 UTC
Good lord, this man was such a arsehole. She remained standing, hands back to her sides as she fixed him with the best completely serious look that she could muster.

"Because I find myself suddenly displaced in Canada in the middle of the day rather than being at home? Several reasons Severus, but if you must know I have to get take care of the estate." 'And the vampire and the organization and God knows what else.' She frowned at those thoughts, but caught herself doing it and glared back at him full force.

She hadn't quite learned to keep the emotions off of her face, yet.

"I did tell you that I would pay you, and I meant it. Do not think that promise void because of my age."


atrumcanis August 12 2010, 16:13:58 UTC
"Oh, yeah, payment." Sirius squinted at her, taking a good deal of time to size her up. If he had had a means of getting home, it would have been different--not that he'd have treated little Miss Sir with any greater respect, of course, but he would have been a bit faster to help out. Maybe. It wasn't as if money meant very much, after all. Still, she likely wasn't exaggerating. She had money, that much was evident in her manners and posture and everything else ( ... )


hellsing_heir August 12 2010, 16:38:01 UTC
Finally. She exhaled slowly, tilting her head up when he stood to keep her eyes on him, helped by backing up a little bit as well. "Thank you very much." She said politely, hiding relief in her tone. She wasn't quite sure what he was going to do, but this place seemed to have some strange technology to it she had already noticed, so this must just of been more to it.

Integra raised her arms as high as she could, fingers reaching up toward the sky. This was...kind of strange, but oh well. "Like this?"


atrumcanis August 12 2010, 17:10:45 UTC
"Yeah, yeah--exactly like that." He put a hand to his chin, giving her a very serious, surveying sort of look--a quite convincing Thoughtful Helpful Person performance. One of his best, really. James would have been proud! "All right, now spread out your fingers.... Hm...."

He licked one finger and held it up, testing the wind. A pause, a nod, still very serious (haha, very Sirius). "Looks about.... twenty, twenty-five.... And a few--well, there's those buildings to consider--step to the right, would you? And close your eyes. Wouldn't want you to get ill, it's a bit shocking."


hellsing_heir August 12 2010, 17:27:01 UTC
She bought it, thankfully, despite how weird this may of been. Integra just desperately wanted to go home, pretend this was some weird dream she had been having and get back to dealing with stubborn old men that were much more easily cowed by letting Alucard lurk around the wall's shadows.

"Ok!" A determined response, as the girl moved over and squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to mess this up. Mister. Severus Snape hadn't named a price, but if he did a good job she would most certainly be sure to pay him back. She did not want to be indebted to anybody, after all.


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