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Aug 08, 2010 06:56

Who: Nami namiwasheretoo & OPEN
When: Sunday Morning
Where: Underground Mall
Summery: Nami is wandering the city asking around and looking for two lost Nakama. Robin and Usopp have both gone missing... and Crocodile has shown up. Her minds a mess with thoughts and she’s rather distractedly hanging out on her morning off in the Underground.
Warnings: None yet. ( Read more... )

nami, estellise sidos heurassein, sir crocodile

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nakamadile August 8 2010, 15:11:07 UTC
A massive presence seemed to be in place behind Nami, one that would be eerily familiar, judging by the scent of cigar smoke in the air. A puff of it went over her head, curling in the air as Crocodile gave a disappointed sigh.

"Not a single place for cigars, so far. What savages, really," he said, looking around, "Oi, Woman. You know more of this place than I. Tell me where I can get quality cigar. Quality, not the shit most people smoke."


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 15:22:34 UTC
Oh for Bink's sake! Was she really that distracted that she hadn't notice a presence such as his come up behind her? The smell of smoke caught her attention and she had that feeling that someone was there behind her. A curl of smoke drifted past her head, causing the hair at the nape of her neck to stand on end ( ... )


nakamadile August 8 2010, 15:25:42 UTC
"His stared at her, his expression that same, general scowl of disdain he usually had. He slowly released another puff of smoke. "Try me. Just tell me what you know. While you're at it, tell me how many from our world are here."


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 15:33:32 UTC
Try him huh? Her eyes were narrowed, watching him careful. She already knew there was nothing she could to in a battle against him, though if it came down to it she'd... well, try hard before he killed her. But he didn't seem to be taking it to that level. Still... Robin and Usopp disappeared at the same time he showed up? It bothered her.

She lifted her head a bit, standing taller. She wouldn't let him intimidate her. Taking into account what Luffy had said and the things Crocodile said earlier in the video conversation... she would give him a little consideration.

"There is a smoke shop just past the pack, near the Major's Club. Local and Imported." And she nodded her head to the right, as if to tell him to follow her. "There are a few of us, though oddly enough our numbers are suddenly decreasing..." The hard glance said a lot. She was suspicious to his appearance and two of her Nakama's disappearance, that much should be clear.


nakamadile August 8 2010, 15:40:38 UTC
"...Honestly, woman. I've put Alabasta behind me, it was a foot-note in the pages of my history. You would all do well to do the same. I had nothing to do with anyone disappearing, so stop looking at me like you're planning some sort of revenge. Even if I had done something to them, what could you do to me?"


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 15:47:15 UTC
He had a point, and he hated it. What COULD she do to him? Not answering that she walked, headed towards the smoke shop and assumed he would be following.

"You'll have to forgive me my concerns. It's been a while since I was home and your appearance out of the blue and their disappearance isn't a comforting idea."

She paused, a hand resting on her hip, at the ClimaTact. "I'm sure you already know Whitebeard is here, as are a few of his men. Alive, I might ad, and fine." There was a beat before she started walking again. "Luffy was here as well..."


nakamadile August 8 2010, 15:53:05 UTC
"Yes, I talked to them. Fool doesn't know about his own death. Typical," he spat, looking over the area as they walked through. He wasn't really the type of man who did small talk, so he followed her in silence for some time.

"...What happened here? Some sort of quake?"


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 15:57:53 UTC
She hardly found the Whitebeard fellow to be a fool, but she had noticed his handwave of his death. She wondered if this man would be surprised to know Ace was alive and nearly three years younger then his death date too... or if he knew already.

After the silence she gave a small shrug. "Riot. You seem to have just missed it. This port lives on a hair trigger."


nakamadile August 8 2010, 15:59:08 UTC
"Considering that everyone seems to have some kind of ability or other, it's not that much of a surprise. It's almost exciting, really."


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 16:03:33 UTC
Exciting? She glanced back and up to him after that, studying. You know, now that she thought about it this guy reminded her a lot of Kenpachi... huh.

"I don't think the abilities have everything to do with it. People seem to live on edge over the two factions that seem to rule. Slavers and entertainment business on one side... Marine like military with a wicked fascination in the sciences on the other side. You take one side or the other... or you live a poorer life for it."

Personally she hated them both, but even she took a 'side' when she took a job.


nakamadile August 8 2010, 16:06:11 UTC
"You say that, yet they would seem to be the ones holding the reins on this city. For better or worse, this is reality anywhere you go. It's simply more obvious, here. Those who hold power, will twist it to what they wish. This is every governing body on any land."


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 16:12:17 UTC
She frowned at that. She really hated this place. The sea wasn't right, the stars wen seen were all wrong, the tides flowed wrong and the powers people had here were sometimes worse then the devil fruit users back home.

Power and power and people in power. It was all ridiculous here. "Power. Violence. Abilities and riots. You should be right at home here. Is there anything else you need to know about?"


nakamadile August 8 2010, 16:22:55 UTC
"Hm. I can see you're easily agitated. It's a wonder you've survived so long on the Grand Line. I'll be taking my leave then, to find this shop you mentioned."

He turned without a thank you, heading off to another area.


namiwasheretoo August 8 2010, 16:29:55 UTC
She snorted, stopping where she was and crossed her arms. Yes, that's it. Insult the person who knows more about this area then you. She's serviced just fine here and really? This place seemed more dangerous then the Grand Line. Sure she hadn't seen the New World yet, but she did just fine so far.

Giving a call after him she stated. "The Majors Club is this way and to the left. The Shops just to the right." and a pause. "Might I also suggest you pick up imported and not home made. Radiation seems to seep into local products from time to time..."

There was a mutter shortly after, a possible term of 'jerk' might have been uttered as she started off towards the casino area again. If he needed something else he could ask, but she highly doubt he'd permit himself to 'lower' himself to talk to a simple Straw Hat pirate. Too bad really. His loss, she felt.


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