Mar 17, 2010 09:15


A travesty! A dilemma indeed! Oh, the shame of the situation! I discovered a perfectly wonderful commoner's grocery store, right down the street from the apartment building. [gets all shiny eyed] It was full of the most incredible delights--little commoner's candies and instant ( Read more... )

c: jubilation lee, !: suou tamaki, c: riku, †: lenalee lee, †: mello, †: koumyou sanzo, c: yuffie kisaragi, c: jinx, c: tifa lockheart

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[Video] meteor_heart March 17 2010, 19:45:21 UTC
Well, I think that a place called the Lion's Club was looking for good looking male waiters to serve there. You seem the part.

[She smiles brightly]


[Video] daddydaioh March 17 2010, 19:57:07 UTC
The Lion's Club! [gets out some paper and a pen and scribbles that down] Ah, how sweet of you to say!

But--pardon me! Before we continue any more in this conversation, will you first do me the honor--no, the privilege!--of the knowledge of your name? I am ashamed that someone of your beauty has escaped my notice for so long! I mean, I suppose that I have only been here since Friday... But the fact remains: I must know your name, my lady!


[Video] meteor_heart March 17 2010, 20:05:03 UTC
[She hides a giggle behind one hand. He talks like Sanji...and almost looks like him too.]

My name is Tifa, it's a pleasure to meet you.


[Video] daddydaioh March 17 2010, 20:09:51 UTC
Tifa! A name of surpassing loveliness, matched only by the beauty of your countenance and the sheer music of your voice! Would that I could look upon you forever! I am Suou Tamaki, but you must call me Tamaki, I insist upon it!

Tell me, Miss Tifa, are you always this kind to strangers? Or am I a special case? [smile smile wink]


[Video] meteor_heart March 17 2010, 20:32:49 UTC
Oh, such a flatterer Tamaki.

[She mock swoons.]

Well I make it a personal goal to be kind to everyone...though a gentleman of such manners is obviously a special case.


[Video] daddydaioh March 17 2010, 20:48:35 UTC
Ah, no, Miss Tifa! It is never flattery! I am opposed to empty words; everything that I say counts and is the honest truth!

How charming indeed! You have a good heart, then! [waves at her, laughing] Ahaha, nooo, no, no, do not treat me like a special case! I am the same as everyone else, though obviously a bit more gentlemanly and refined, and probably more handsome too! But otherwise: just the same, just the same!

So, have you lived in this city very long?


[Video] meteor_heart March 18 2010, 01:08:19 UTC
I'm a newcomer myself actually. Only a few days so far, though almost everyone has been very nice to me so far. Have you been here long?


[Video] daddydaioh March 18 2010, 01:19:21 UTC
Ah! The same for me! I have only been here since, hm--Friday! But I already like it here, everything is just so--so fascinating, yes?


[Video] meteor_heart March 18 2010, 01:29:21 UTC
It's true, there are a lot of very interesting people. Did you arrive in the middle of a baseball diamond too?


[Video] daddydaioh March 18 2010, 01:38:48 UTC
The people are interesting, the city is interesting--everything is interesting! It is like nothing I have ever experienced before!

Er, yes--the baseball diamond! It was very disorienting... I was not sure what was going on at first, but then everyone was telling me to go inside, and--well, it's still a little strange, isn't it? Or is your world quite like this place?


[Video] meteor_heart March 18 2010, 01:43:28 UTC
Similar but not the same. We have monsters during the day too, but the cities are safe and their numbers are slowly dwindling. It used to be worse.


[Video] daddydaioh March 18 2010, 01:54:42 UTC
Ah! So you are prepared for many of the situations here, yes? That is lucky for you! We do not have any, er, monsters where I am from... or anything even remotely similar... But it is not so bad here as I thought, initially! It could be worse, after all!


[Video] meteor_heart March 18 2010, 01:56:31 UTC
I'd like to think I am. I'm a tough warrior.

[She flexes one arm with a smile]

It certainly could be a LOT worse. We just have to stick together, and make the best of it.


[Video] daddydaioh March 18 2010, 02:15:33 UTC
Are you really? Ah, what a refreshing dichotomy--a beautiful face and strength of steel! So you personally are responsible for the dwindling number of monsters in your home? How admirable!

Yes! Yes, indeed, that is exactly my feeling! One must maintain positivity over all else, or risk losing sight of hope! Besides, this is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to meet new and interesting people!


[Video] meteor_heart March 18 2010, 07:26:30 UTC
Well not -just- me, I had a whole team of friends helping me out. My friend Yuffie is here too actually.

Where there's life, there's hope. I'm not sure who said that, but words to live by.


[Video] daddydaioh March 18 2010, 16:09:47 UTC
Ah, teamwork! How beautiful! That is even better, in my opinion, because it shows a greatness of spirit, and-- Yuffie? [perks up and smiles] I know her! How wonderful, that you two have been reunited here! She was one of your friends that helped you fight the monsters?

[shiny-eyed] Yes! Yes! Exactly! I love that saying! I have never heard it before until now, but I will adopt it as my own! How beautiful!


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