☣008; VIDEO☣

Apr 08, 2011 19:08

[ the feed clicks on with a start. someone has apparently... woken up. from a very long sleep. startled, definitely, the person had scrambled around much beforehand, though of course, none of that had been recorded. a shame, really. it was probably pretty amusing ( Read more... )

c: liquid snake, c: solid snake, c: laughing beauty, c: rochelle, †: robert cross

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Video ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:14:19 UTC
Temper, temper.

[A tired looking Liquid, wearing his FOXHOUND coat fastened tightly up to his neck, watches him through the video screen.]

Welcome back.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 8 2011, 23:17:51 UTC
[ likewise, there is a small delay before he replies... ]

Tch. I have every right to be angry. [ though, ngl, he is calmed a bit by the familiar face and voice. he tries to calm down at least a little more... ]

...But... Thanks, I guess.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:21:06 UTC
Of course you do. Still, damaging the NV will not aid the situation.

[Liquid is a massive hypocrite. He lifts a hand, idly gesturing.]

Do you require assistance? Or has your revival gone easily?


[VIDEO] virogenic April 8 2011, 23:23:39 UTC
[ sigh. he knows this, but even he has a temper sometimes. it's just a lot rarer and... a lot more difficult to keep in check. he runs a hand through his hair. ]

I hadn't even.. checked to see if I'm still wounded... [ or scarred or whatever the case may be. if he had his powers, any wounds should have disappeared anyway... ] I'll figure that out when I can get some cover.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:26:04 UTC
Understood. I doubt your injuries will have remained. The last time I noticed someone returning from death, the only damage was mental.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 8 2011, 23:42:11 UTC
[ he snorts. ] After that? I'd be surprised if I didn't walk away from it without some serious mental scars.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:45:33 UTC
The strength of a man is determined not in physical measure, but in his ability to endure. I'm sure you will be fine.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 8 2011, 23:47:50 UTC
[ he nods. ] Yeah. I'll get over it, I'm sure. Still. It's too surreal. I really thought... [ sigh. ] I thought I was done.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:49:59 UTC
You were gone a long time. I almost thought you were also - or that you had returned without announcing it.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 8 2011, 23:51:52 UTC
[ a short laugh. ] Even if I hadn't announced it over the network, I'm sure someone would have noticed... [ meaning... his temper was a little hard to miss sometimes... oops. ]

But, that doesn't really matter, I guess. I'm not sure what to do anymore.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 8 2011, 23:56:22 UTC
Then you find something to do.

[He gestures widely, as it it were the easiest thing in the world.]

Alex Mercer might be gone, but you are not. Think what you are capable of, and apply it to what you desire to do.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 9 2011, 00:11:19 UTC
[ he bristles a little. ] It's... [ sigh. ] That's just it. I don't know what to work towards. It's.. hard to explain, I guess.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 9 2011, 00:14:41 UTC
In the end, I'm the same. I... am still trying to find my purpose, now that I am beyond it. Nothing in this place seems to fit. It's... beyond my life. Entirely strange, compared to the life I was living, and far too confined for my liking. But in the end, all I can do is adapt to the situation. It's all any of us can do. We adapt... or we surrender.

And I don't surrender. Even if it seems hopeless.

I doubt you're the surrendering type either, regardless of what you were thinking.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 9 2011, 01:54:58 UTC
[ oddly enough, that's comforting to Cross. he falls silent. ]

Hah. I suppose you're right. I guess if I can't rest, I might as well find a purpose until then.


[VIDEO] ysobritish April 9 2011, 02:01:40 UTC
[He smiles just slightly and nods.]

You'll probably go mad if you don't.


[VIDEO] virogenic April 9 2011, 03:51:46 UTC
Yeah... [ he sighs again. ] Now it's just a matter of getting resettled in.


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