[oo4] alarm clocks

Mar 08, 2011 20:08

[the camera turns on to show Masa sitting on a bed in one of the Tower Apartments, his hair a bit of a mess, and a rather big frown on his face. he lifts a hand to rub at the back of the neck - it's obvious he's not feeling too good, his nose is a bit red, and his hand shakes slightly]What is an alarm clock? It's something to do with time, I can ( Read more... )

c: izaya orihara, †: masanosuke "masa" akitsu, c: minato namikaze, c: son gohan, c: sunako nakahara

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[ video ] izalogic March 9 2011, 08:00:47 UTC
It takes time. [ To settle in, that is. ]


[ video ] frogpup March 9 2011, 08:35:16 UTC
[he looks a little sad, maybe a little downtrodden]

It seems to be so much easier for everyone else.


[ video ] izalogic March 9 2011, 09:42:22 UTC
[ Izaya leaned forward on his desk, crossing his fingers under his chin. ]

Are you sick? You don't look so well.


[ video ] frogpup March 9 2011, 09:46:40 UTC
[almost as if in response, Masa sneezes and sniffs a bit, giving a weak half-smile]

I've been feeling a bit under-the-weather. I can't say I'm lacking sleep, but it isn't the same as when I was ill before.


[ video ] izalogic March 9 2011, 15:27:45 UTC
[ Izaya has the decency to at least feign a wince at the sneeze. Possibly appearing a tad sympathic toward the other's illness. ]

Ahh, you look awful. Have you been suffering from an illness before arriving here? Perhaps you should go see a doctor!


[ video ] frogpup March 9 2011, 17:31:13 UTC
[he makes a wan, tiny, partial smile at the person's attempt to wince]

I suffered from the Edo disease a while ago, but I'd gotten over it...

[he blinks at that, though]

A doctor? For just a cold? Isn't that very...frivolous?


[ video ] izalogic March 10 2011, 04:23:53 UTC
I guess all it takes is for you to readjust your eating habits. It must've been tiring, though.

[ He smiled brightly. ]

Maybe. But I'm into fast recovery. If you don't wish to see a doctor, how about taking some painkillers? It helps reduce the symptoms.


[ video ] lol, he needs his immunizations. XD frogpup March 10 2011, 05:12:24 UTC
I was told that the cause was the city's food disagreeing with me. [a pause] I had to stay in the country for a while, with an elder friend. He took very good care of me.

[he blinks]

Painkillers? Such as herbs?


[ video ] But, the pills are our friends! :|a izalogic March 10 2011, 05:32:01 UTC
It depends on what you eat, really. Just stay away from the junk food and outdoor restaurants.

Not herbs. Drugs. They are used to relieve pain, and diminish illness. [ It works for him, anyway. ]


[ video ] hahaha...if this guy walked into a hospital they'd be APALLED frogpup March 10 2011, 05:35:24 UTC
Junk food? [he leans in a little] At home, I mostly ate pickled vegetables and rice. Sometimes soba, if someone was kind and treated me.

[he tilts his head a little, kind of confused]

I haven't heard of that. Where would I get them?


[ video ] If he's going to listen to this boy, then he'd probably end up in the hospital, yes. izalogic March 10 2011, 05:47:32 UTC
[ wow, he needs to eat some real food! ]

You know those really unhealthy burgers they sell everywhere? It's a lot cheaper and to be honest, it tastes good! However, the amount of fat is revolting.

[ Nodding, he added. ]

In any pharmacy! It's easy to obtain and not all of them require an authorization from a doctor.


[ video ] Oh, he probably will. I mean, he can tell he's being trolled, but he likes it. frogpup March 10 2011, 05:51:22 UTC
[he nods a little]

Those. I've had one before. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted. I didn't see any fat on it, though...

[he nods, as if taking mental notes]

Pharmacy. I saw one of those. Which drugs are the ones for being sick?


[ video ] okay, now I wana know why he likes it :U izalogic March 10 2011, 06:02:49 UTC
It is delicious, I agree. I highly advice you to stay away from them. If you must, have one meal a month.

All the drugs are for those who are ill! [ He chuckled. ] Ask the pharmacist! Inform him that you need painkillers to take care of your cold, he'll be able to advise you with decent ones.

[ And he should also advise him on how many pills he could take a day. He should, yes. ]


[ video ] he just likes trolls, canonfact. he likes deconstructing them. :| frogpup March 10 2011, 06:12:41 UTC
If I eat that sort of thing, I'll end up ill again? [he sighs] I need to learn to use the stove. Food is easier to get, now.

What is a Pharmacist?


[ video ] o-oh dear :| izalogic March 10 2011, 11:40:34 UTC
Maybe food poisoning? You're better off preparing your own meals. That's my advice, anyway.

[ His smile is growing as he speaks. ] A pharmacist is the person responsible in handing out the medicine. [ He paused. ]

If it's too much trouble for you, I could bring you some.


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