Mar 08, 2011 16:45
[Some coffee-house jazz can be heard playing softly, the chatter of other people, the clinking of cups against saucers.]
It's been about three months since I've made a post to this network... do I really have that little to say? It would all just be repetition, and what's the point in the end? Outrage at injustice, fear and suspicion, mourning losses, and beneath that, a desire to keep going and not give up, even when humanity shows its worst nature?
Mm, it just seems a little repetitive.
[A small pause as Franz sips something, probably coffee or tea.]
I'll be seventeen on Saturday. Since I was eight, the date's always been overshadowed by the death of my father. [A much longer pause, but mostly to compose himself a moment.] Noblemen are always troubled by the ghosts of their fathers, living or dead, for all the obligation a title brings: a father's shadow creates the shape of his son's life.
But perhaps if he hadn't died I wouldn't have met my best friend - life is like that. Unpredictable. Wonderful at the most awful moments. Beautiful when it's most ugly.
[Another pause and sip.]
I won't lie - I've been a little depressed, lately. I think we all have been.
But... as they say. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
We will get through this, Siren's Port.
c: suou tamaki,
c: magneto,
c: danny,
c: rochelle,
c: gilbert nightray,
!: franz d'epinay,
c: teddy altman,
c: daedalus yumeno,
c: vincent nightray,
c: tyki mikk,
c: ahiru