[012]: video

Feb 26, 2011 22:59

[Yes, folks. For once, your resident Laughing Beauty is using video. She figured she had hidden herself from the network long enough, and to be quite honest, she missed talking to you all. When the video feed starts, Sarina is sitting at her vanity, with her elbow propped up on the surface. She smiles as she props her chin in her palm, curling her fingers to the side of her lips. Though the more perceptive viewer might notice that her smile is just the slightest bit strained -- maybe even nervous. But it's subtle - for once she's not making her emotions completely obvious.]

Hey everyone, ahaha, I know it's been a while. Some people even told me they were worried about me!

[A sheepish look crosses her features momentarily as she tilted her head to scratch at it.]

But I'm fine, really! I've just been - ah... [A short pause.] ...busy.

[That might sound a little suspicious (and it should), if not for:] I just quit Coconut's recently, you know! Eeheehee! So I had to get another day job!

[Suddenly, she forces a smile.] So there's no need for you all to be worried about me! I've missed talking to you guys! Well, most of you. Everything is okay though, so I'm sorry if I worried more of you out there. Hahaha...

[Sarina then reaches to turn off her NV, but she pauses as her expression briefly faltered into an unsettled look. When she glances back at the camera, however, she's back to her nervous smile.] Oh - uh, by the way, does anyone else feel a little -- eeheehee -- a little... [She goes quiet, looking away from the camera, as she tried to think of the right word to use.] ...uneasy with those blue-robed people around?

[Her eyebrows then furrow as she mumbles the last line.]

I try to avoid walking by the diamond, because of them.

[Well, that and other reasons she's smart enough not to say on the network, but the less the people knew, the better.]

But, ah...I guess I'll talk to you all another time.

c: iron-tail fratley, c: griffin o'conner, †: seven of nine, !: laughing beauty, c: miles edgeworth, c: veser amaker hatch, †: alex mercer, c: nicholas d. wolfwood, †: jomy marquis shin, c: son gohan

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