Fourteenth Power - Video

Feb 20, 2011 18:23

[He found himself at the field again, the pains from the death hitting him hard as he realized where he was. He had sat there for a a hour trying to get the power to move again. He didn't bother using the NV at first. Instead he started to walk, as best his body would let him, home ( Read more... )

c: gabriel/the trickster, †: jennifer walters, c: jinx, c: terrance 'trauma' ward, c: samus aran, !: claudio kilgannon

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[voice] 1/3 mademyhell February 21 2011, 06:18:10 UTC
2/3 mademyhell February 21 2011, 06:22:25 UTC
[Trauma sounds like he's been through hell, but he also sounds very VERY happy to hear him.]

Claudio?! There you are- Fucking finally. I- Shit.

[He breaks off for a second.]

Where are you?


3/3 mademyhell February 21 2011, 06:23:41 UTC
[There's about a minute and a half before he speaks again, a liiiiiittle more irritated because DUDE. ANSWER YOUR PHONE. RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.]

Claudio, you fucker, answer the NV!


action; hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 06:29:30 UTC
[Upon mention of that name, Jinx comes out of her bedroom, comforter wrapped around her. It's cold. Even with the ungodly amount of candles in the apartment that was sure to be a fire hazard, it was still fucking cold.]

Claudio... what about Claudio?

[Big eyes filled with worry, she walks over and sits down on the couch next to Trauma.] Is he... is he back? [Her heart feels like it's pounding in her throat.]


Action; mademyhell February 21 2011, 06:47:31 UTC
[ Trauma's not even trying to pretend he's anything other than freaked out or nervous that he hasn't been responded to yet, but when Jinx sits down next to him he turns so he's facing her better and hands her his NV.]

Yeah, he was on the damn thing, but he's not responding. I tried a couple of times, but-[He shrugs, and he's once more glad that he's real damn used to not shifting around her, or this would be tough. He can sense how nervous she is, and it's only amplifying the same feelings in him.]


Action; hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 06:50:56 UTC
[Calling Jinx nervous would be a serious understatement. She grabs onto Trauma's hand tightly and looks at the NV with him. Soon, her head rests on his shoulder.]

...should we go after him? Play the message for me, T. I want to hear his voice.


Action; mademyhell February 21 2011, 06:57:06 UTC
[ He drags up the video and starts it before he wraps his arm around her shoulders. Trauma doesn't know if that's at all helping with her freaking out, but it's the best he can do.]

I don't know, he didn't say anything to me but he was talking-[The main video ends and he's accessed the other conversation so she can see.] If he answered the fucking thing, we'd know what to do.


Action; hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 07:07:26 UTC
[Watching Claudio talk and move again puts a sad little smile on her face. Really, it makes her want to cry. Maybe run out the door in her pajamas to go after him. When the feed ends, she buried her eyes against Trauma's collarbone.]

Maybe he's on his way home.


Action; I love how all three of them have kicked puppy/saaaadest face icons. mademyhell February 21 2011, 07:15:35 UTC

[Oh god. Jinx, don't be upset. That just makes things worse. Awkward Trauma is Awkward and wraps his arm around her tighter.]

Bet you're right. He's got to be fine and... If we don't see him, we call Jubes cause he'll be there, and we can kick his ass.


Action; THEY WILL ALL BE USED IN THIS THREAD hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 07:19:51 UTC
[It's been a rough week. A REALLY rough week. Jinx is so emotionally drained, her face is still black and blue, she's exhausted, cold, and she just wants everyone to be alive and to be able to turn on Star Wars.

Jinx doesn't even verbally respond. She just starts... crying. Crying right there on Trauma's shoulder.]


Action; ALL THE EMO ICONS. GOOD THING I HAVE AN ABUNDANCE. mademyhell February 21 2011, 07:38:32 UTC
[Trauma goes tense as he realizes what's happening, because holy shit. But forces himself to relax, even with the mess of images in the back of his head that she's practically projecting, and just gives up. He puts down the NV on the table and just kind of hugs her. He doesn't really know what to say, if he said 'everything will be okay' he's probably lying, if he says 'we're all okay' that might be a lie too. So he says nothing. He's shit at this, but he'll do what he can.]


Action; *uses a laughing icon to be a bit---er i mean*... thecrowingtobe February 21 2011, 07:42:08 UTC
[Sometime later? ... Assuming he either said his thanks to Jen and parted from her, or awkwardly blinked out to get up to the apartment on his own, he was, in fact... alone ( ... )


Action; hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 07:56:28 UTC
[Cuddling and crying. That was what two kids did when they waited for their brother to come home. After a while, Jinx had calmed down, and she was thinking about going out to look for him. That was until she heard something hit the door. Sitting up, she blinked toward the front door. When something knocked, she sprung up and was opening it in under five seconds.

When she saw Claudio standing there, her heart skipped a beat. At first all she could do was stare, eyes red and mouth hanging half open. Then she grabbed him, pulled him into the apartment, shut the door, and hugged him like she was never going to let go.]

Dio... you're... fuck. Claudio. I was so... scared. [Her voice cracked a little on that last word as she held him, trying not to burst into tears again.]


Action; mademyhell February 21 2011, 08:19:39 UTC
[Trauma jumped half out of his fucking skin at the knock, which was stupid because he was waiting for it in the first place, but part of what startled him was probably the pink thing half scrambling over him to get to the door. He couldn't blame her, he was just as anxious, though it manifested differently. He stayed in place for a moment, staring down at the floor until he heard Jinx speak and his breath went out in a rush, so fucking relieved he couldn't think.

It took him a second more to stand up and when he did he found himself hanging back by the couch, hands shoved in his pockets and unsure of what to do. He'd been freaked out and tense since he'd woken up, so fucking sure that something was going to get worse, that Claudio wasn't going to come back and hadn't stopped feeling that way. So...Now that he was pretty sure it was okay to feel alright, or at least better, he didn't know what to do. What the fuck was wrong with him?]


Action; thecrowingtobe February 21 2011, 08:36:25 UTC
[Why... the hell did he knock? It hit him a moment too late, his mind aching and sluggish. He could have just stepped in, like he had at the main door. He realized a moment later that the door he was leaning on moved. He felt like just falling in, but the hands that grabbed him hauled him inside for him.]

[There was a moment of complete comprehension loss. Not exactly sure what just happened even though he knew for a fact what was happening. The pink thing was latched onto him in a hug, telling him she had been... scared. He felt a little sick, and so help him it felt like his body had been ripped apart... still.]

I'm sorry. [He said, voice cracking in a higher pitch. He felt like his throat was closing up any time he tried to speak. Instead he hugged onto the girl tighter, almost painfully so, and held on for a long moment before seeming to wobble a bit. A hand reaching out to steady himself]

S-sorry... I'm... I'm sorry. [He meant to say something else but her rush attack of a hug had thrown him off a bit. Not to mention he ( ... )


Action; hexyoutotuesday February 21 2011, 08:52:43 UTC
[Sorry, Trauma. For the moment, you were completely forgotten about. So hang back, and watch as your roommates embrace each other like one of them just died. Oh wait. God, she was so happy to have them both back.]

Shut up. Don't be... it's my fault for not-- for not getting there sooner.

[His voice cracking was killing her. The tears were coming back into her eyes. She wanted him to stop talking, so she moved her arms from his middle and put them around his neck. With a hand on the back of his head, she brought him down and kissed him on the lips. Not like when she kissed Trauma quickly. There was definitely something more to this kiss. Well, kisses. Tender, drawn out, and when she was done she kissed his cheeks and held him tightly again.]

Come on. We should get you to the couch. [Prying him off of her so she could lead him, she remembered something.] Trauma's back, too. I have my boys back. We're all okay, okay?


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