010 [video]

Jan 25, 2011 22:03

[Someone’s in a good mood after helping the Joker kill off a few police officers, and it shows in the way he smirks down at the NV. Things were getting back to how they should be, finally… But there was still something missing. That would be fixed soon enough. He’d played nice for too long.]

Nobody believed me when I said I could use the Core to bring my brothers back. But it worked. You know, I bet you could use it to bring anyone here if you wanted to. People who disappeared, or were never here at all. Maybe even people who died.

[The image blurs as he throws his arms out in a gesture to encompass all of Siren’s Port, a wild tumble of city rooftops and sky.]

But they don’t want us to have that power. They think they can control us. [A close-up of black leather as he drops his arms back to his sides.] Mm… I guess they’re right. You’re all so happy to just do nothing. Cowards.

[He falls quiet for a minute or two, the sound of footsteps on roof tiles evidence of his restless pacing. And then he laughs, a short, dismissive laugh, lifting the NV to throw it a scornful glance.]

You can do whatever you like. I don’t care. But I’m not going to be controlled. Why should they have that power over us? I’m going to fix it.

[And he disconnects.]

c: solid snake, c: maya fey, c: miles edgeworth, !: kadaj, †: the corinthian, c: laughing beauty, †: desmond miles, c: jack kelly, c: allen walker, c: liquid snake, c: replica riku, c: riku, †: shijima kurookano, c: akira inugami, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck, †: altaïr ibn-la'ahad

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