oo2 | video then voice

Jan 23, 2011 15:33

[When the feed clicks on, it's difficult to see much of anything, as Desmond's hand is obscuring most of the camera. More than that, the entire picture is shaking, because his hands are shaking. Needless to say, hitting the video function wasn't intentional.]

Jesus Christ, this fucking thing. It never does--

[He pulls his hand away momentarily in order to get a better look at the screen, revealing what appears to be a tabletop littered with several empty, overturned coffee mugs. Desmond's left hand, still shaking, is cradling another mug that is assumed to be somewhat full. The sleeves of his hoodie are pushed up, revealing his half-sleeve tattoo, though the blade he normally keeps strapped to his forearm has been removed.

The camera then pans up to a very frazzled, very stressed, very tired-looking Desmond. At about this point, he has been awake for approximately sixty hours straight and has not left his apartment in all that time. It shows. There are dark circles present beneath his eyes, and his face has been drained of color. And yet, despite his overt exhaustion, it also becomes clear that he is intensely alert... "intense" being the key word.

The screen goes black and his voice becomes distant as he finally turns the voice function on. His inadequacy with the NV could be chalked up to his unsteady hands.]

Okay. There. Finally.

[His voice becomes clearer. He's speaking directly into the mic now. His words come out rushed and rambling due to his hyper-caffeinated state, as though he's afraid that he'll forget what he's saying if he doesn't get it out fast enough.]

So, from what I've gathered, there's more than a few doctors roaming around this town. Right? I was just wondering... exactly how long can a person go without sleep before they die-- literally die-- of exhaustion? Not that I'm planning on pushing that limit or anything. It'd just be good to know.

Additionally, what are some good ways to keep yourself awake? I mean, I've been drinking coffee, but god, I hate the taste of coffee. Well, I didn't always, but I started to after it was all I fuckin' drank for two days-- three days-- two days. Should I take up smoking? I'm thinking about taking up smoking.

Well, maybe not.

But maybe.

I don't know. We'll see.

... Uh. Yeah.

Thanks, guys.

[The transmission ends.]

†: lucy stillman, c: fang baskerville, c: rebecca chambers, c: miles edgeworth, c: liquid snake, c: naruto uzumaki, †: android 17, †: desmond miles, c: hope estheim, c: ella

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