
Jan 04, 2011 18:30

[He's back from the dead, not that he intends to mention his passing to anyone.]

I've tried everything on these stains and they just won't come out. Does anyone know any tricks to get blood out of carpet, or should I just give up and replace it?

[A brief pause, and then Light continues.]

There's been a lot of death and violence around here recently, and it seems to me that very little is being done about it. The police are clearly underfunded, incapable of paying people with the abilities they need to capture and detain criminals properly. Joker's little act demonstrates that clearly enough. I have some ideas of my own regarding how to improve the service, but I'd like to hear what other people suggest. Would the police department function better as a charity? Should it be  ran by one or both of the two companies in this place? Suffice is to say that something has to be done about it now, before more people get hurt.

[There's another small break, and Light's voice grows significantly darker, graver as he finishes with a shout out to a certain prosecutor.]

Mr. Edgeworth. It's good to see that you're back safe and sound. I hope your experience hasn't left you too shaken.

†: yagami raito, c: the joker, c: magneto, c: jubilation lee, c: franziska von karma, c: black mask, c: heiwajima shizuo

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