008 [voice]

Jan 03, 2011 18:44

[When Franziska speaks, she sounds tired, excusable, perhaps, given the late hour, but in fact, she's just woken up.]

Working under the presumption that you, my fellow newcomers, are not collectively living under a rock, you would all be well aware of the recent murder of Miles Edgeworth. He was -- [ and damn it, this is no time for sentiment, there's the slightest of falters before she continues ] -- the administrator of the newcomer fund, the name of which should be self-explanatory, unless you happen to be even more particularly foolish than most. As he is no longer able to run it himself, administration of the fund has fallen to me and Phoenix Wright. If you have any queries or requests concerning the fund, direct them toward us.

That's all.

c: sam merlotte, c: griffin o'conner, !: franziska von karma, c: rochelle, c: phoenix wright, c: heiwajima shizuo

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