Jan 03, 2011 01:13

[ the NV turns onto a rather good-looking green female peering into it before leaning back. it's angled so there's a good view of a rather impressive spandexed bosom while she's getting her bearings. and she's kind of obviously outside. ]

I thought I left behind the universe-traveling when I left the Avengers. Goes to show that you can take the girl out of the hero-team, but not the getting-transported-to-some-unknown-land out of the girl. Since this is kind of obviously not Marinmar.

[ the rest is directed at the NV ]

Alright, kiddies. Rest assured, I'm a professional. Just point me to whatever judgment I have to make or bad guy I have to knock out or even whatever giant boulder I have to run from to get this over with.

I have things to do.

[ kind of an exasperated sigh. she's really not in the mood for this. ]

c: shuji ikutsuki, !: jennifer walters, c: magneto, c: harry dresden, c: sherlock holmes, c: toushirou hitsugaya

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