
Dec 15, 2010 12:25

[The audio clicks on and one of the greeters can be heard in the background talking and sounding a little annoyed at her sudden and complete decision to ignore him.]

So, I wake up in this field. And there’s this guy. This guy tells me I am in freaking Canada. Not only does this guy tell me I’m in f- [She pauses and must have covered the phone ( Read more... )

c: pino, c: carrie kelley, !: daphne millbrook

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video. countsrabbits December 15 2010, 18:47:45 UTC
But short versions of stories are booooring!


Voice; cagedbirdruns December 15 2010, 19:09:46 UTC
[She was about to snark...And then saw kid. PAAAAAAAUSE.]

Long stories can be boring if people tell them really badly. The guy I was talking to sucks at it.

...And sometimes you just only need the cliffsnotes anyway.


Voice; countsrabbits December 15 2010, 19:17:23 UTC
Mmm some people here can be really annoying. But I'm a good storyteller! What do you want to know?

[Warning: This may or may not actually garner a useful answer.]


Voice; cagedbirdruns December 15 2010, 19:21:03 UTC
People everywhere can be really annoying.

Okay, want to tell me about the city I'm in?

There anything fun here at all?


video forever. oops >>; countsrabbits December 15 2010, 20:34:18 UTC
Hmmmm. [A thoughtful look. This is a super serious question.]

Well, Papa really likes his job, but Vince doesn't have fun at his at all even though I think his is waaay more fun. And there's a big mall under the ground that people are always smiling at when they're in there, so that's probably fun. Oh! And it's been snowing! Do you like to make snow-people?


[Voice forver!!] cagedbirdruns December 16 2010, 09:34:15 UTC
Mall under the ground?



I haven't made those in a long time.


countsrabbits December 16 2010, 18:18:24 UTC
It has to be under the ground. There's monsters above the ground at night...

You should make one! There's enough snow to make a hundred of them!


cagedbirdruns December 16 2010, 18:47:49 UTC
Yeah, people have been talking about those. They really as freaky as they're telling me?

You made any yet, this year?


countsrabbits December 16 2010, 21:13:19 UTC
I haven't seen one yet. Well, not up close at least...but they're supposed to be really scary.

[But suddenly, happy again!]

Yep! I made a bunch in front of the apartment building! And one by the lake too, but that one didn't get finished all the way.


cagedbirdruns December 16 2010, 22:58:04 UTC
Probably a good thing you didn't see them up close then.

How many's a bunch?


countsrabbits December 17 2010, 02:46:09 UTC
Nope. I'll leave that up to the people stronger than me.

Hmmmm [thinking about it-] twenty-five and a half, total.


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