
Dec 15, 2010 12:25

[The audio clicks on and one of the greeters can be heard in the background talking and sounding a little annoyed at her sudden and complete decision to ignore him.]

So, I wake up in this field. And there’s this guy. This guy tells me I am in freaking Canada. Not only does this guy tell me I’m in f- [She pauses and must have covered the phone because only she can be heard and not the greeter who was still attempting to talk to her.] I’m on the phone, could you knock it off now? ‘Kay?

[The greeter must have given up, because she’s back.]

Okay. So. Guy tells me I’m in freaking Canada, then he tells me I can’t leave.

Tested the theory, and Guy wasn’t blowing smoke out his ass, turns out it makes you really really sick.

Guy, even though he was kind of right, won’t just cut to the chase. Someone want to teach him what ‘the short version of the story’ is and give it to me? Before I die of old age?

That’d be real nice.

c: pino, c: carrie kelley, !: daphne millbrook

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