news feed; wednesday, december 15, 2010

Dec 15, 2010 04:06

Wednesday; December 15, 2010


Temperatures remain the same, though the snow has stopped falling altogether. The snow will stick throughout most of the day before starting to melt towards evening. High of 6°C and a low of -1°C (43°F/30°F).

Current Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Morning sirens will go off at 8:00 am, and evening sirens will go off at 4:15 pm.

Eviction Notices

The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three days (until December 18) to leave the apartments.

Dean Winchester
Canada (Matthew Williams)
Mafuyu Oribe
Rachel Phantomhive
Master Xenahort

Death Caused Hauntings

The article today includes a quick recap of the hauntings that plagued Sector 4 yesterday. The reporter interviewed several victims of these hauntings, with victims stating that the hauntings were mostly harmless, with no injuries and only a few broken items and stained clothing.

The incident seems to be related to the death of an elderly Siren's Port resident, Dr. Agapeto Morales, who was found deceased in his apartment this morning after failing to show up at the soup kitchen he frequently volunteers for. Dr. Morales was an avid occultist, and had an ability to speak to and control various ghosts. Yesterday's hauntings proved to be the ghosts Dr. Morales had collected over the years, having a final game with the City. Several people who knew Dr. Morales commented that the ghosts were friendly, if a bit mischievous, and primarily were the ghosts of children. Several of the interviewed people commented that they were worried that the ghosts, having been separated from Dr. Morales, will become monsters, but the outcome of this is unknown. Experts on the Darkness are unable to say whether this outcome is likely or not, as Dr. Morales may have done something to allow the spirits to move on. Still, some exploration is planned to be made into the subject, as a way to help spirits move on when loved ones die at night would be exceptionally helpful for residents of the City.

Experts have requested that anyone noticing new or as yet unclassified childlike monsters in the Darkness please send these sightings to the Dr. Morales Memorial Helpline in as much detail as possible.

Dr. Morales died of natural causes related to old age.

Classified Ads

Confidential Help: Does someone you know have so much pride they'd never let a stranger close to them? Maybe your best friend has a stick up their ass only the most intimate stress relief can relieve. Or perhaps you think it'd be funny to get that ladies' man you talk to to fall for someone on the other side of the fence. Whatever your motivation, this agency can help out. The price might seem steep, but the outcome is worth it. We promise confidentiality from beginning to end. If you have questions or a job, leave a message at this number and our agent will reply when there's time.

NOW HIRING: CAPRI An Italian restaurant and bar on the outskirts of Sector 1, is now hiring for its grand opening in January. Positions needing to be filled: chefs, wait and kitchen staffs, barkeeps, and bouncers. Please direct all resumes and inquiries to Mr. J. Claude, who can be contacted at this number.

[ News Notification Thread]

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