[Well hello, citizens! Toothless has clicked on his video recording function and is peering intently down at his screen, ear appendages twitching slightly. He's quiet for a few moments, then, with utmost concentration, brings forward one of his feet to drag a claw along the screen of his NV. Another video feed pops up below the recording of his face, this one showing the progression of lines that the dragon makes on his NV.]
[Yeah, he's been working on his dexterity a bit. As Toothless finishes his drawing, he trills quietly, proud of his amazing work. A nod of satisfaction, and then he's lifting his foot forward again, ever-so-slowly writing in messy-yet-legible words.]
hiccup teech letters. looking for job. need to pay for fish so hiccup can pay for hows haus plays to stay.