Tuesday; November 23, 2010
Temperatures will stay cold, and skies clear today. There will be sunshine for several hours around midday, but the skies will cloud over a bit toward Darkness. No snow will fall. High of -4°C and a low of -12°C (25°F/10°F).
Current Moon Phase: Full Moon
Morning sirens will go off at 7:30 am, and evening sirens will go off at 4:30 pm.
Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three days (until November 26) to leave the apartments.
Lucifer Morningstar
Luca Macken
David Jacobs
Everett Young
Luppi Atenor
Abel Nightroad
Other Notes
- The transit system is recovering today, with roads being cleared and no additional snow falling. Getting to work should be easier.
- There is a trend today of many various coffee shops throughout the City offering hot chocolate at half off. No one knows how they all managed to pick the same day for this promotion, but they did! Take advantage.
News Notification Thread]