
Nov 23, 2010 00:13

[The NV comes on and it's owner appears to be surrounded by a number of creatures of various shapes of sizes. The street is dark and stained with gore from previous kills. From the NV's position the owner is rather tall, wearing a bright red duster, and holding an extremely large silver gun.]


[The owner's voice is directed at the sky above and not long after does his gun release several rounds. The bullets easily dispatch monsters by the handful and when the fire arm doesn't provide him with enough pleasure the owner begins to merely rip apart the creatures with his bare hands. With the last monster eliminated his head falls forward and his dark hair spills over the NV's field of vision. Alucard finally notices that the device is recording and he snatches it up in a gloved hand and brings it around to give it a proper look.]

There has to be something w o r t h hunting down in this city.

†: alucard, †: lily baskerville, c: akira inugami, c: walter c. dornez, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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