002. [video]

Nov 12, 2010 23:36

[The video feed flickers on. Ikutsuki's sitting at what appears to be his kitchen table, left sleeve of his turtleneck rolled up to display some mild scrapes; it looks as though somebody's had a bit of a tumble!]

It's still absolute chaos out there, even during the daytime. [He shakes his head.] Why, just coming home from work ... well, it wasn't ( Read more... )

!: shuji ikutsuki, c: adachi tohru, †: axel

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[voice] implausibility November 12 2010, 15:23:37 UTC
Probably...into hiding? Or something like that. Outta sight, outta mind, that kinda thing.


[voice] rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 18:42:42 UTC
Yes, but to where? They're hardly like normal animals, which have to seek shelter to escape -- these monsters, well, what they do is more similar to simply disappearing!


implausibility November 12 2010, 18:55:14 UTC
Huh! Beats me - can't find a hair of evidence during the day, past the damage they leave. Maybe they run off somewhere completely unexpected, like a portal into another world, or...or through a closet into a magical kingdom, or into a television screen into your late-night programming!


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 19:00:28 UTC
[Into a television screen, really. He almost scoffs. ... Except, not.]

Yes, but is it the Core that causes the monsters' disappearances, or is it the natures of the creatures themselves?


implausibility November 12 2010, 19:01:27 UTC
That- ...Oh man, you're not another civvie who's just tryin' to get to the Core again, are you? I'm telling you guys, it's just bad news!


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 19:02:42 UTC
I'm not trying to take it by force.


implausibility November 12 2010, 19:04:14 UTC
You're not supposed to be trying to take it by any means, pal.


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 19:54:05 UTC
Ah, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was trying to take it - such a task would be very dangerous indeed, with the danger only increasing once the Core was actually in one's hands. No, I just ... wish that something was being done to it, instead of the corporations' usual bickering. ...Things never seem to end well when big business becomes involved in matters of science.

It's a pity.


implausibility November 12 2010, 20:08:47 UTC
Heheh, on the flip-side, I'm sure the big guns would tell you that science would never get anywhere without big business to back it. In the end, it's really money that keeps the world turning - call it an unfortunate fact of li-...

Whoa, but what am I blabbering about? Jeez - for everyone's sake, you just be sure to keep yourself away from the core, okay? And just a piece of friendly advice - going monster hunting's not really a great idea either.


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 20:26:32 UTC
[Oh, he knows how it's companies that keeps scientific research funded.]

I wouldn't go alone. Nor do I intend on hunting them.


implausibility November 12 2010, 20:30:02 UTC
No, no, you got me wrong. It's more a matter of them hurting you.


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 20:44:01 UTC
As I said. I would not be going alone.


implausibility November 12 2010, 20:51:50 UTC
Yeah, nooot so sure the buddy system works all that well in this case.


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 21:12:27 UTC
Well, I'm not planning on making hasty decisions. I'll give the matter some further thought.


implausibility November 12 2010, 21:42:36 UTC
Who's your friend?

[Master of immediate segues, right here.]


rodeforthefall November 12 2010, 21:56:33 UTC


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