002. [video]

Nov 12, 2010 23:36

[The video feed flickers on. Ikutsuki's sitting at what appears to be his kitchen table, left sleeve of his turtleneck rolled up to display some mild scrapes; it looks as though somebody's had a bit of a tumble!]

It's still absolute chaos out there, even during the daytime. [He shakes his head.] Why, just coming home from work ... well, it wasn't anything that couldn't be mostly avoided.

It is intriguing that the discovery of this 'Core' has caused such a furore, despite nothing yet being done to it. For all we know, the fabric of reality could have been irrecoverably damaged, and at most, it is keeping us trapped here to avoid us being returned to an empty void! [A chuckle.] That, of course, is nothing more than an unsupported theory -- much like others have been making over this very same network of late. Yet, simply talking without observation of patterns at the very least will not achieve results. And without experimentation, well, there's very little to observe.

However, I'm still curious about the monsters that inhabit this place after nightfall; I know they're dangerous, of course, especially to someone like me -- which makes my desire to observe them somewhat of a beastly problem, I'm sure. [Sorry, he couldn't resist.] Why, with the days growing shorter I'm almost starting to think I'll have to leave work early just to get home in time! [A chuckle.]

It's just that...well. It's been long assumed that they are related to the unnatural circumstances of this place -- surely there must be some sort of relation? Where do they disappear to during the daylight? Another dimension, by the bidding of the Core? Why are they not subjected to the same limitations as the people who have brought to this place?
[What other powers do they have, and what could the be used for? A thought to keep in mind, but not a question he's going to specifically pose to the network right now.]

Well, if anyone out there has any observations they wouldn't mind sharing, I'd be glad to hear them.

!: shuji ikutsuki, c: adachi tohru, †: axel

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