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yep, just reactions too gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:15:01 UTC
[Throne and all-

Far too much like the Regent, or the likes of the Proxy. He's seen footage of the room they'd taken the Monad specimen from, in the Mosque Operation.

He's not sure, not sure what to make of this. Another display, that's for certain, like Aizen's others...deliberate.

He doesn't have time for dwelling on this, on top of taking on so much mandatory overtime. It's been an irritable week- Aizen on top of everything else hardly helps.

At least, while only addressed to Jomy, there's no need to respond to what he's certain is some sort of poisoned bait. Instead, he'll only be watching this transmission.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:16:19 UTC
[ What if he needs a band-aid? You're so mean, doctor. ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:19:09 UTC
[You can hop off your throne and come to the clinic like everyone else.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:20:41 UTC
[ He can always have one of your eager assistants bring it over ... ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:24:11 UTC
[That would be their own prerogative. Daedalus won't intervene.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:25:19 UTC
[ Re-l would be faster, come to think of it. ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:31:07 UTC
[He would most sincerely hope that by now, a clever woman like Re-l Mayer would have second thoughts in regards to taking up your company.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:33:13 UTC
[ Well.

He's hot, so she hasn't. That's how bedroom politics work, kid. ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:38:07 UTC
[Hate. You. Not helping the mental breakdown here at all.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:39:18 UTC
[ He should ask Luppi to come visit you. Maybe loosen you up with those tentacles of his. ]


proxysearch November 5 2010, 16:39:54 UTC
[Hey, you leave my bitty doctor out of that mess.]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:41:16 UTC


alapimp November 5 2010, 17:10:25 UTC
[ Yesssssss. ♥ ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 17:15:46 UTC
[That's a terrible idea!]


alapimp November 5 2010, 17:16:27 UTC
[ Luppi would probably agree with you, to be fair. ]


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