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Comments 823

No post, just reaction vw_coyote November 5 2010, 15:32:53 UTC
[The reveal goes on and Mercy had been planning on going out for a quick run before work as a coyote. But the surge of energy has her lip curling, a growl crawling up her throat and that stupid stick in her hand. She's crouched in the corner, ready to rip out the throat of anyone who dares come near her.

Eventually, she pushes herself to her feet. She has to get to work, and really, if the Grey Lords were going to kill her, they'd be subtle about it, so as not to piss off Adam and maybe Stephan.

She goes to work, unknowingly carrying that damned fae stick and not letting it out of her sight.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 15:39:27 UTC
[ Heeeeeere doggy, doggy, doggy. ]


vw_coyote November 5 2010, 17:23:43 UTC
[Not gonna happen. She's messed with the Grey Lords once and it almost got her, and most of the fae around her, completely wiped out. Not to mention, she's had the Mistress of the local vampire seethe at her door far too recently for comfort.

She likes breathing. As long as you don't mess with her and hers, she's okay with staying out of your way.]


video; xxkenpachixx November 5 2010, 15:33:30 UTC
Showing the rest of the city what you're really like? 'Bout time you stopped fucking pretending.


video; alapimp November 5 2010, 15:35:02 UTC
That's ironic - hearing such a thing from you, Zaraki-taichou.


video; xxkenpachixx November 5 2010, 15:36:59 UTC
What the hell is that supposed to mean?


video; alapimp November 5 2010, 15:44:05 UTC
How selfish. With strength as great as yours, you ought to be patrolling the disaster areas affected by the earthquake. Instead, you choose to point your aggression at someone well-versed in it.

The soutaichou would disapprove of such thoughtless self-serving conduct.


video; walkthedawn November 5 2010, 15:41:55 UTC
[Oh, what is this. It's too early for your shenanigans, Aizen. But he's outside to better gauge that thing you just unveiled like a boss.]

A little flashy, don't you think?


video; alapimp November 5 2010, 15:45:29 UTC
You look like you could use a little more sleep.


video; walkthedawn November 5 2010, 15:48:04 UTC
Your concern is touching, really, but I'll be just fine.


video; alapimp November 5 2010, 15:49:45 UTC
I'm sure.


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video alapimp November 5 2010, 16:15:07 UTC
[ Where's Grimmjow when you want to be entertained. ]

You're familiar with the term?


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video alapimp November 5 2010, 16:19:21 UTC
Minimalistic, perhaps?


yep, just reactions too gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:15:01 UTC
[Throne and all-

Far too much like the Regent, or the likes of the Proxy. He's seen footage of the room they'd taken the Monad specimen from, in the Mosque Operation.

He's not sure, not sure what to make of this. Another display, that's for certain, like Aizen's others...deliberate.

He doesn't have time for dwelling on this, on top of taking on so much mandatory overtime. It's been an irritable week- Aizen on top of everything else hardly helps.

At least, while only addressed to Jomy, there's no need to respond to what he's certain is some sort of poisoned bait. Instead, he'll only be watching this transmission.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:16:19 UTC
[ What if he needs a band-aid? You're so mean, doctor. ]


gaveherwings November 5 2010, 16:19:09 UTC
[You can hop off your throne and come to the clinic like everyone else.]


alapimp November 5 2010, 16:20:41 UTC
[ He can always have one of your eager assistants bring it over ... ]


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