Oct 12, 2010 22:55

[It's midnight of October 13th - a date that many may fear the superstition of...but not our favorite Laughing Beauty. No, today marks her 21st birthday! Or in this year, it would be her 17th birthday, but she was all woman now. She had insisted that nothing special needed to be done for her birthday, really! But no, the staff at Coconuts (where she recently started working) insisted that she hang out with them. It was weird, because she was having a hard time adjusting there, but who would possibly turn down the chance to get a hot 21 year old drunk? Since LB figured her nanomachines would filter out the alcohol anyways, she finally relented. However, one thing she hadn't counted on was that one of the patrons in the establishment just happened to have some sort of nullification ability that disabled her nanomachines. And well...since the woman had never been drunk before, you better believe she was a lightweight.]


[She pauses for a bit, controlling her drunken laughter.]

Happy birthday to meeee heeheehee~

[Yeah, guess what asshole workers thought it'd be a good idea for LB to make a network post.]

Allll you guys should like fucking come over here, bahahaha~

[LB makes a hiccup, causing the people to laugh around her not only for that, but for basically making an ass out of herself. Be careful messaging her, because chances are that a lot of what she says isn't going to make a lot of sense...but on the same not, she may accidentally slip in some of her past without feeling too cautious too. EXPLOITABLE?]

†: hal emmerich, c: iron-tail fratley, !: laughing beauty, c: nick, c: naruto uzumaki, †: hanatarou yamada, †: killer croc, †: claire bennet

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