Sep 29, 2010 01:00
...ach... why are the gypsies dancing the lambada?
Hm. If I were wearing pigtails and had a pet dog, I would be inclined to say that I wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto. But... well, I wasn't in Kansas to begin with. Which means I could very well be in Kansas, though I frankly don't know how.
Scott? Logan? Peter? Is anyone on this frequency? Of course, if I am in Kansas, I suppose I'm out of communications range. Verdammt... Is anyone receiving this transmission? If anyone can hear me, this is Nightcrawler. Please respond. It doesn't matter who you are, I just need to know I'm not speaking to thin air. Or myself. Because that would mean I'd gone quite mad, and if that's the case... well, I certainly would like to know, danke.
c: jack kelly,
c: naruto uzumaki,
†: harley quinn,
†: nightcrawler,
c: jubilee,
†: lily baskerville