Sep 08, 2010 12:03


Actually, it's three points of wonderful news, and each one is more exciting than the last, so try to contain your excitement until the very end!

POINT THE FIRST! I have decided to lend my fine and capable mind to one of the universities of this place, and pursue an education! Now, I was a high school student in Japan, but I received the opportunity to take an exam, and as it turns out, I am incredibly intelligent and gifted, and was moved straight along to the university level! It's all very exciting, of course, but not entirely unexpected! Still, I'm grateful to everyone who lent their support and believed in me! I wish I could reward every single one of you-- [he slumps his shoulders and sighs hugely, but immediately brightens up again!] --but take this as my sincerest thanks, and if ever there is anything that I might do for you, merely say the word! Ah, and any other students attending the University of Hillsdale, you can look forward to having me in your class!

POINT THE SECOND! I have found a house to rent! I-- [a slight pause. er.] Well... that one was supposed to be a secret and a surprise, actually, but in my excitement, I seem to have blurted it out... Well! It's no less exciting! A HOUSE TO RENT! An entire house! Which means, of course, that the HOST CLUB WILL BE ABLE TO OPEN! Which means that the auditions are now scheduled to take place! Which means that soon, Siren's Port, soon! You will have a place to go to experience high class entertainment and the company of the finest and most talented and best educated young men of the city! So look forward to that!

AND FINALLY, POINT THE THIRD! I have received a promotion! I've never been promoted to anything before, because I've never held a job before--so this is additionally exciting! I've been trying to think of ways that commoners celebrate promotions, but I'm--well, actually, it might not be a promotion... but it's certainly an advancement in my career! When next you are at a convenience store, you will be able to see my picture in an advertisement for a new line of clothing, placed strategically on page four of "Á la Mode"!

My image will also appear on billboards and in subway stops and all over the city! That's right! You will now have the pleasure of seeing me on a daily basis, no matter where you are! Isn't that exciting? You might think that the picture was very difficult to take, because it required me to balance on a precarious rock beside the ocean, and look debonair and relaxed and apathetic all at the same time, and all as the sun was dipping gently below the horizon--but it wasn't too difficult at all, not for someone like me! So congratulate me, and look forward to seeing even more of me!

...ah! And this is unrelated--but we got a new air conditioner, too, all thanks to the extremely helpful Mr. Riku! Special commendations go to him. Additionally, just so you know, you should be certain to purchase insurance for your air conditioners! I bought some, and I've never felt more secure!

That's all, Siren's Port! Have a wonderful, wonderful day, and when you see my picture as you go about your daily business, pretend that I am waving at you and wishing you good luck in all your endeavors today! [an enthusiastic wave, as if for demonstration!] Good luck!

c: maya fey, †: roronoa zoro, c: ciel phantomhive, c: miles edgeworth, , †: liam lunettes, c: roxas, c: gilbert nightray, †: aizen sousuke, , !: suou tamaki, c: haruhi fujioka, c: replica riku, c: riku, †: aya fujimiya, †: watanuki kimihiro, †: katara

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