news feed; sunday, august 29, 2010

Aug 29, 2010 19:49

Sunday; August 29, 2010


Temperatures are still high but cooling down slowly. The storm that has taken over the city seems to have mellowed out through the night and part of the morning, leaving the city with light sun showers throughout the day. High of 41°C and a low of 25°C (104°F/77°F).

Morning sirens will go off at 5:00 am, and evening sirens will go off at 10:00 pm.

Eviction Notices


Trouble Continues at Club 24

Club 24 faced two outbursts of violence last week, on Tuesday and Thursday evening. Although the club sustained damages, none of them were structural and business remains open and running as usual. The silver-haired attackers, identified as two of the newcomers recently proclaimed 'Jonova's Angels,' were repelled by club security but have evaded pursuit and arrest.

Bar Manager Sam Merlotte is not taking the situation lightly. "I don't care how goddamn long it takes for the police to actually man up and get 'em," he told reporters Thursday evening. "They're gonna be gettin' a bill from AGI lawyers for the damages, I can tell you that."

The popular downtown hotspot, owned by Afterglow Inc., cannot seem to catch a lucky break. Earlier this spring, the club sustained damages from vandals, suspected to be linked with a series of hate crimes against newcomers. 24 is known for employing recordbreaking numbers of newcomers, and had been targeted recently by critics who say that bar manager Merlotte is not an equal opportunity employer.

One recently laid-off AGI affiliate, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted reporters earlier in the week to tell us that he had an insider's look at how the club was being run earlier in this summer. "I'm sure he's turned down countless hardworking native-born locals in favor of keeping his lazy, disrespectful outsider gang of ruffians off the curb."

The Cathedral of Jonova has officially denied any endorsement of these attacks, and Priest Englewood was unavaliable for comment. However, a follower interviewed at the church's food bank did offer her opinion: "Good riddance, I hear all of those Afterglow clubs are full of sin and vice!"

Redgrave Finally Snaps

Governor Redgrave met with the press this morning to discuss funding, the overwhelming issues caused by the heat wave, the past problems still not settled over the earthquake, and most importantly what he plans on doing to support the growth of cattle and crops that supply the city with food. While in the middle of the press conference, the Governor looked agitated and sweating profusely. He is reported having done his normal song and dance routine of trying to side step questions with more questions on how the city can help itself... only to snap at the press.

“I’m only one man. If you’re so concerned about the weather then find someone with weather powers to do what you want! I can’t-I’m not going to-No more questions, no more questions!” As he stormed off stage, body guards stepping in around him, he waved off the press coverage and was seen heading back into his office.

An hour later a medical assistant was seen at the government building, rumor has it that he was attending to the Governor to check his condition. The press coverage on Redgrave talks very little about any medical conditions though and seems to rage on about his refusal to assist the city in critical matters. Many news reports on the same topic can be found from news radio, TV and Network casts, but most all of them report back on the same thing. The City’s figurehead snapped. Some news casts are whispering terms of impeachment, others are attempting to sound supportive but doubtful.

Missing AC Investigations:

Investigation continues on the reported theft of 44 air conditioning units from Sector 4's residences and business. All units were stolen during dark hours, ripped directly from the wall, resulting in 6 deaths and 19 reported injuries from compromised darkness proofing. The Underground Mall's black markets have been scoured for the missing units, and investigators suspect that these used wall units may have been redistributed for illegal sale during last week's heat wave. SPPD encourages anyone with information to come forward, or contact the force's anonymous tipline.

Classified Ads

Special Fruit Needed I have a highly important meeting next Tuesday and I was asked to bring my famous ambrosia salad. Sadly the fruit crops have been poor this year so I am looking to offer a high price for good fresh special fruit. If you can find me perfect fruit by Monday evening I will pay handsomely. Contact Josie Riggs-Alder va NV

Love Swing for Sale Used once. Never used again. In good condition. Clean. This love swing hangs with ease from ceilings or door frames. Enjoy personal time with your loved ones. Practically like new! All parts and pieces accounted for. Still have recite and box. Contact Tiny Mike Walletz va NV.

12 Cases of BEER Australian Imported Beer! Looking to sell to local businesses for a good price. 12 cases all in good condition. Black Market purchased but un needed now. Looking to make a fast buck. Am willing to sell to others for highest offer. Personal guarantee that the beer is good. Contact Private NV number 3467G5B for details.

Parents Assistance Classes Support group meeting every Monday afternoon at the Government Convention center offering support for parents with children showing new found powers. After the recent incidents in the news with children and powers suddenly appearing, we here at the APC are offering FREE support and assistance. Stop in Monday afternoon for details and information or call our line at 7200-Kids. Classes are also offered for those looking for more one on one assistance.

Second Chance is a weekly advice column written by a former clinical psychiatrist and current resident of Siren's Port. It runs every Sunday on the Network News Feed.

To write, please send in your questions here.

Dear Second Chance,

I think that I might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being such, but the real problem is the idea of what it could mean. Does that mean that I have been checking out all the same sex friends that I have?! What do you even do when you realize this sort of thing? How does this change everything? Does it change everything? Or am I just overthinking how this is and what it means for me and everyone I know?

Just So Very Confused

Dear Confused,

Take a breath! Nothing's really changed; you're just finding out who you are and this is part of that. The great news is that knowing makes looking for that special someone easier. The bad news is that sometimes other people forget that there's more to a person than just who they love. A good mallet to the face usually does wonders to remind them.

Listening to Katy Perry,
Second Chance

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