[He's been putting this off for as long as he can, not wanting to let anything about himself get out because of Byakuran, but...there's no helping it now and no point waiting any longer.]
Can anyone give me some recommendations on where would be a good place to live outside the dorms? Someplace moderately priced and decent, in theory, with plumbing. And I don't want to have to fix faulty wiring or things in the middle of the night.
[Traditional Shou thinking means he doesn't trust any of the listings he's finding around here. There HAVE to be problems, given the way the city functions, and he doesn't want to deal with that sort of thing. It's distracting.]
I'd also like to talk to somebody about the companies, if I can. Specifically, why they disagree on what to do about the Core. Is there research to back these positions up? [Has been reading propaganda, which is (as he suspected), lacking in enough details.]
[Private- locked to the KHR folks who AREN'T Byakuran]
I'm sure everyone's aware by now that Byakuran-san is in the city. He's said as much to me that he'll try to take advantage of the opportunity of being here to try something again. We need to prevent this at all costs and keep an eye on him, but it's going to take some kind of coordinated effort from all of us. Does everyone still have their box weapons? Anyone who's talked to him, has he said anything that might indicate there are other Millefiore in the city or that he's recovered from his injuries?
[He's already starting to think strategy.]