
Aug 19, 2010 00:03

[without much light, the picture that comes on is fuzzy and shadowed. But it's Uryuu there all the same, leaned up against some sort of nondescript concrete backdrop. He's panting, out of breath - looking paler and dizzied, pupils dilated. The video shakes; Uryuu is having trouble keeping it steady one-handed, but he needs the other hand to keep gauze pressed to his neck]

This is - a distress call. I'm in need of assistance. My - my location is...

[a pause. He closes his eyes, collects himself enough to remember]

...I'm in Sector 2. I'm currently on the roof of... ah, I believe it's a shoe store. To avoid most of the monsters. Look for bright blue flares. ....I'll send them up as often as I can.

c: nara shikamaru, †: aizen sousuke, c: allen walker, c: miles edgeworth, †: rikku, !: ishida uryuu, c: replica riku, , c: pesche guatiche,

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