01 [video/text]

Aug 18, 2010 00:09

[an upwards angle, and very obviously an accidental one. when the NV switches on and the camera activates, the first thing that can be seen is the face looking down on it -- the plain, rather homely face of a young man with dark brown hair and an icy pair of eyes. he squints, reaches off camera and gropes around for a pair of glasses that lay on the tableside of the bed he’s sitting on. or was sitting on, at any rate. it shows all the telltale signs of being laid in with a rumpled pillow and askew sheets, once pristine and sterile and now smeared with dark red splotches. hospital sheets.

curiosity tinges his mostly flat gaze -- the only discernible emotion to be found in a face devoid of any recognizable ones. he taps at the screen with a finger, leaving a dull red, faint fingerprint and then turns his attention on the keypad. he simply stares at it, then back at the screen for several seconds before a flicker of recognition and the makings of a good idea--his only idea--show themselves.

words follow soon enough.]

miskatonic university. arkham, massachusetts. i am neither here nor there. if this is a joke, it is an incredibly poor one and wholly unnecessary.

[a pause, then more hastily:]

where is daniel cain?

†: orochimaru, c: daedalus yumeno

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