the 1st 2nd. [ video ]

Jul 29, 2010 20:27

[ For a moment there is nothing -- the NV is face down on . . . the table? A floor? But after a few beats it's picked up and set down on a bed. If you're paying attention, you'll notice that it's in a starter apartment. ]

Oh, is this on? I guess it's time I used it anyway. Hello, or something like that.

[ The camera gives a dizzying angle, and you might catch a look of a young man with a pineapply unusual hairstyle, one blue eye and one red -- but it doesn't stay on him for long. It's set down on the bed, and while he isn't in the picture you can hear him talking. ]

This was pretty unexpected, coming here. Your transportation team could use a few pointers.

Now, I guess, the more important question. Are you the open and friendly type? Or should I remain cautious?

†: brooke, †: luke fon fabre

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