ONE video.

Jul 15, 2010 19:40

- the on button? And this is... for video...?

[at the trail off, a grainy feed slowly slides into focus. or, more specifically, a single golden-brown eye peers in. there's footsteps on pavement and a bit of a sway to the video, so whoever's using it is obviously moving.]

And that all connects to a network, which connects to other people, who can-- hear me now. Alright! I got it. [the eye blinks, pulls back a bit, focus still on the camera. a tilt of the head (twitch of the ears), creak of a door opening. triumphant grin.] But do you have to keep pressing the button, or can I--?


[that was most certainly a yelp. along with the toppling of paint cans.]

[and it turns out you don't have to hold the on button, since the video catches the entire fall from what seems to be the boy's wrist. a few of the cans must have been opened, because he's splattered with red, blue, and orange; has a bit of an 'eeck' face, waving his left arm to get a particular glob off (a full-body shake, with his fur looking a bit on the ratty side, ears down).]

[he's muttering.] This is definitely not paradise... Aw, and I just arrived, too! [finally stilling, eyebrows drawing together (nose crinkling). a slightly panicked, mostly apologetic look toward the camera;] W-wait, are these cans always here? I'm really sorry! I'll pick them up right away, though, uh, though they should probably be moved away-- where should I put them? Unless they... belong to someone?

... Oh, um, my name's Toboe. [small, sheepish, lopsided smile.] Who... is 'everyone on the newbie network,' anyway? And do people stop calling you 'fresh meat' after a while? I'm not some fresh meat.

[small shake of the head, probably to dislodge more paint. but his smile's fading, shoulders drawing up (ears pinning tighter, chin dipping).] ... Tsume? Kiba? Hige?


-- If- if you guys are listening to this, please respond. We can meet up somewhere an-- [cut off. deeper frown. and then he's rolling back to his feet, 'ack!'ing over sitting in a puddle of purple.]

{ Feel free to [action] in on him, too, since he'll be sitting in the lobby of the Tower apartments, arranging the paint cans for a bit. }

†: gabu, †: oz vessalius, †: slash, !: toboe, c: haruhi fujioka

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