032. Video

Jul 16, 2010 01:34

[Today, Light looks much better. He exudes confidence, is tidier, looking ruthlessly into the camera. Something of a smile curves his lips, even if it doesn't reach his eyes. The change is definitely visible. His fingers are knitted on the table in front of him, and the room he sits in is less degraded than the apartment he'd been in before. Clearly stepping out from underneath the shadow of L's demise has helped him.]

Egdeworth, you'll probably be pleased to know that I handed the laptop over to the police, as you suggested. It was a great relief, seeing as I am so confident in their ability to catch the people responsible. Equally with your own attack, please leave finding your attackers and bringing them to justice in the capable hands of the police force. Heaven forbid you attempt to take the law into your own hands, and end up further hurt for the trouble.

[His sarcasm is direct and deliberate; not wolfish, just exuding confidence.]

I sent you flowers today - I assume there were many others - they are signed with your health in mind, but also as an apology. I do not expect a thank you card when you recover, nor for the sentiments to be reflected. I simply wish for you to know that I told the truth when I said that I respected your sense of justice, and because of that, your death would be a great loss to the city.

[Maybe this could have been a private post, but he's making a point. He continues to speak now to others.]

Finally it seems I'm making progress. In a few days I will be working again, and I intend to attend self defence classes in the near future, assuming I still have the time. It's refreshing to have some focus. Sometimes you can feel a little overwhelmed, particularly when you've been through what I have--it is quite a thing to die, for those few here who have not experienced it. It can knock your confidence. None the less, I've decided not to let the world trample me. I have things to do.

For those of you this apply to-- [He's addressing Yazoo and Kadaj now] --I spoke once with Cloud while he was here, and I'd like to speak to you--if you would consider it, I'm certain I can at least offer you some help, considering my familiarity with your problem, if not find a resolution for it entirely.

Finally a question. What do you do to make a dog less hyperactive around strangers? Ryuuga's not slept for the last twenty-four hours, from having people around, and I'm worried it might not be good for him. That's all--goodnight, Siren's Port.

c: near, c: sam merlotte, c: miles edgeworth, c: daedalus yumeno, †: yagami raito, c: riku, †: triela, †: brooke, †: big boss, c: yuffie kisaragi, c: tifa lockheart, c: kadaj

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