Sixth Heart ☆ Sora ☆ [Voice]

Jul 14, 2010 12:07

[Using voice because he knows there's someone out there who doesn't want to see him just yet.  He's accompanied with the sound of crashing waves and an excited barking puppy.]

You know, with the recent arrivals I have to it really the island that's pulling every single one of us here?  And if so what does it want from us?

It pulls all kinds of different people - friends, enemies, people we want to see most, people we never want to see again, people from different realities all together - so what's the reason for it?  [Even though he's been busy fixing up his new place Sora has been keeping an eye on the network.]

Is it to fix the state of the world or something else entirely?  [A pause and he covers the microphone muffling his next words.]  Hikaru put that down!

I guess...I want to know: What are your opinions on our reason for being here and the people you know who show up after?

c: near, c: xion, c: nara shikamaru, c: roxas, c: shiroe rei seki, †: sora, †: yagami raito, c: riku, †: souji seta, †: shijima kurookano, †: brooke, c: sawada tsunayoshi, †: naminé

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