
Jul 03, 2010 12:59

After some thought concerning recent events and my change in housing, I've decided to open myself to commissions. I'm a highly skilled sewist with plenty of experience, and I already work within the city as a fashion designer (and that should really be enough of a credential ( Read more... )

!: ishida uryuu, †: temari, c: sander cohen, c: jubilation lee, †: turkey, c: pesche guatiche

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Voice infinitelyslick July 4 2010, 02:20:20 UTC
Are they all going to be white, Ichigo?


Voice sequincy July 5 2010, 00:39:30 UTC
Ishida. [tiredly]

And no, I can do clothing that isn't white.


Voice infinitelyslick July 5 2010, 01:21:50 UTC
I'm not getting into this name discussion with you again, Ichigo! I don't care if you want to call yourself Uryuu or Ishida or Ichigo or Ootori or Kyouya now, I'm calling you Ichigo!

Is it going to be white or blue? Or do you do other colors?


Voice sequincy July 5 2010, 01:35:55 UTC
But it's really not that hard to remember.

I can do other colors!


Voice infinitelyslick July 5 2010, 02:11:28 UTC
It is when you keep picking up new names to add to your list!

Are they shades of white or blue?


Voice sequincy July 5 2010, 02:37:36 UTC
Not necessarily, no. They could be purple or green or gold or yellow - whatever color you can think of. Simply because I prefer blue and white doesn't mean that's what I'll make everyone else wear.


Voice infinitelyslick July 5 2010, 03:07:41 UTC
Whatever color I can think of?

In that case, what could I get for thirteen cents?

Oh! And I told someone that you could probably make clothes for him!


Voice sequincy July 5 2010, 13:17:28 UTC
Whatever color exists, Pesche. [hasty correction]

...For thirteen cents I can let you have part of a strip of lace.



Voice infinitelyslick July 6 2010, 02:32:24 UTC
I wasn't about to make up a color, Ichigo.

Just a part of a strip of lace? But Ichigo! I referred a customer to you! And I am your friend!

A man!

[Pesche lowers his voice to a whisper]

He thinks he's a country! And not even one of the good ones, he thinks he's a silly country called Turkey!


Voice sequincy July 6 2010, 17:33:41 UTC
What would you even want, Pesche? You don't wear proper clothing.

...That's strange.


Voice infinitelyslick July 7 2010, 10:03:05 UTC
Hey! I refuse to be lectured about proper clothing by someone who wears a cape! And I'd like the option, Ichigo.

It really is. There was another one who claimed to be America!


Voice sequincy July 7 2010, 15:17:30 UTC
There's nothing wrong with my cape!


Voice infinitelyslick July 7 2010, 18:21:37 UTC
And there's nothing wrong with my choice of attire!


Voice sequincy July 8 2010, 02:51:58 UTC
You don't wear pants.


Voice infinitelyslick July 8 2010, 18:22:19 UTC
Pants are a hindrance! I move much easier in what I wear!


Voice sequincy July 8 2010, 19:33:03 UTC
Pants are not a hindrance! You've clearly only been wearing bad pants.


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