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[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly June 30 2010, 09:01:11 UTC
And I have never met a lady as strikingly beautiful as yourself, so I guess we're even. Yohohoho! You may call me Brooke, my lady.

Well as for the aura of cold, I think I might be one of the most capable, or most vulnerable in a fight against them. The only 'power' I have besides my physical prowess is that I'm alive, so he'd either A. Not be able to do anything against me, or B. Kill me with the aura alone.

Well I thought I was relatively clear on my capacity before, but perhaps it would be better if laid it out for you.

I am a skeleton made of bone and so I'm quite difficult to harm with many forms of weaponry. Most bullets shoot through the gaps rather than do much damage, most blades can't scratch me, but I still can be hurt by bludgeons just as much as the next man. I'm light weight being just bones, and I'm capable of moving fast enough to run on water. I may look skeletal but I still need to do the typical things most human being do such as eat, sleep, breathe, and poop.

I am a swordsman specializing in quick deadly attacks taking my enemy by surprise before they can retaliate. My specialty is usually large numbers, but I am also a capable duelist. One of my most powerful attacks is a move where I slice my foe so hard and quickly that it takes about 10 seconds before their body realizes they've been hit. I can play any instrument under the sun, I can sing in almost every range, I can play my violin as a weapon in combat, and I can make great peanut butter and cheese sandwiches. As for my weaknesses... I cannot swim, and I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

If that is enough information for you perhaps you'd like to return the favor? I'm a little uneasy about telling you so much about myself, when as of yet, I know almost nothing about you other than that you say, you want to stop these murders to protect the innocent. I admire such ideals quite a lot. As a bard I live to make people smile, and it's very hard to smile when you're having your head torn off by a crazed killer.

So my lady, let me ask you, what is your motive for wanting to capture these murderers. What is your name? What's your story? Who is your current employer? Are you free Sunday night? What are your capabilities? But the most important question to me is, what makes you happy?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 1 2010, 19:44:02 UTC
[She gives Brooke a long, slow blink. It was only fair to be answering his own questions as well, but some of them were...weird.]

I'm Samus, Samus Aran. Where I come from I'm a Galactic Bounty Hunter, the best in the Galaxy. [Said with no small amount of pride.]

Currently I work at the...ugh...Major's Club as a bartender. I work there on Sunday nights, so unfortunately I'm not free.

I'm a warrior, I've been training and fighting since I was ten. I've undergone extensive gene therapy and DNA mutation to make me highly adaptable and resistant to environmental changes, including stranger ones like zero g and radiation. I've also undergone invasive cybernetic surgery, augmenting my strength, speed, agility and durability. Most people can't match me for speed or strength, but here...don't know how true that holds.

I'm almost immune to disease, poison and parasitic intrusion. I wear a close-fitting combat suit that further augments my agility and reaction time, though I'm used to much heavier. I have extensive training -and- experience with ranged combat, and can reliably hit a moving target at the limit of my vision range, which is 20/20 if not better. I'm also trained in a variety of hand-to-hand combat techniques, focusing on the plasma blade and plasma whip, which I was fortunate enough to keep when I came to this blasted cesspit.

My blood type is O Negative, I'm six foot, three inches and weigh just over two hundred thanks to my cybernetics, and right now nothing would make me happier then catching these three.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 2 2010, 15:58:25 UTC
[Brooke smiles, or what is the closest you could call to a smile when you have no face. He hadn't expected her to be so open with him considering he was a talking skeleton who had just asked if he could see her panties no too long ago. So he felt very much like he could trust Samus, although even if he hadn't trusted her, he would have likely helped anyways. The smile was because he was glad to know he wouldn't likely be back stabbed. Then again it's not like he had much of a back to stab.] Yohohoho! Sounds like this Major's Club is a rather distasteful place to work. I assume they must either, pay well, you don't care, or you're simply desperate for funds. Have you ever thought of working at a musical store? Yohohoho!

As I think about it, I suppose I might be rather immune to poisons and disease too considering the fact that I don't exactly have a body. Your list of capabilities is rather impressive Samus Aran, or do you prefer Miss Aran? Or perhaps even Samus? I don't know if you'd consider us on first name basis or not. Yohohoho! I know the last genetically altered cyborg I met was an incredibly powerful being, so I'll be sure not to get on your bad side. Well too often anyways, I do seem to rub some ladies the wrong way with the whole panties thing. Yohohoho!

Where would you like to meet to start training for the execution of your plan? I'd imagine that we'd have to test every person's capabilities out, so that you'd be able to designate who should go into what groups to form stronger teams. I'd also imagine that you'd want to make sure everybody is as capable as possible of protecting the bait who will be the most vulnerable. Or perhaps you'd simply like to go in to take them down because time is of the essence?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 6 2010, 06:06:08 UTC
[This is her head spinning a little to try and absorb all the information flying at her rapid fire from a Skeleton's rictus grin. She nods slowly as it sinks in, pursing her lips in thought.]

At the moment we don't have much of a team sadly, only about four of us total, maybe five if I include an operator, so the reality is I'm not sure if the plan is feasible. We could patrol with a small number, but at that point we're relying primarily on luck...not something to be relied on.

Ah, Samus is fine. So do you meet a lot of genetically altered cyborgs?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 7 2010, 15:04:33 UTC
It does sound like a somewhat undermanned operation... but perhaps if we only try taking down one murderer at a time, using one person as bait, we might accomplish something. Of the volunteers do we have any skilled trackers?

Well to be honest I travel around with a cyborg, although he's not genetically altered, and right before I found myself here my entire crew was defeated by one super powered such individual. His name was Kuma, and he seemed rather unstoppable... well actually, even know he seems rather unstoppable.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 14 2010, 03:29:29 UTC
I don't think the murderers attack separately, though I could be mistaken. From what I've gathered they attack as a trio, using their individual skills to create a whole greater then the sum of it's parts.

I see. Your crew? You're a sailor then?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 03:36:25 UTC
I didn't think that they would likely get along, most people of that ilk do not from my experience. Perhaps I might be able to come up with some further assistance. Many members of my crew have also found their way to Siren's Port, I may be able to convince them to join in our efforts to bring them down. At least then we'd have nearly twice as many people who's abilities I can vouch for personally.

More or less. I happen to be a pirate.

(ooc: something tells me the whole pirate thing may not go over well with Samus >_>)


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 14 2010, 03:40:46 UTC
[A pirate. That's just spectacular. One of the few people willing to help her in this thing and he's a goddamn pirate. Her voice cools several degrees, not quite freezing but definitely frosty.]

No reason to bring your crew into this.

I actually find that criminals tend to stick together for protection. When things go poorly they can sell each other out instead of taking the heat, using the ones around them as a shield.

[That might have been a subtle dig at pirates and their crews.]


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] 1/2 tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 04:03:01 UTC
[The bard winced at her cold voice, remembering how some people definitely disapproved of pirates, and this wasn't exactly the best thing to put on your resume. However, Brooke went almost just as cold when she suggested that his friends could not be trusted.]

My lady,

I assure you we are not common thugs who turn on each other for a pretty penny. We are the Straw Hat pirates, and when we give our word to help we stand by it no matter the cost. Each one of us is always ready to put our life on the line for each other, and you will find no friends more loyal than us. These very same pirates who you were so quick to judge, saved my life from a fate worse than death, they saved an entire nation from going into a civil war, and they declared war on the world government, just to save a friend. Right before I found myself on this island, we had just besieged a slavery auction house to save one of our friends, and that was when the world government sent that genetically altered cyborg I spoke of.

You may not trust us because of your own personal experience with pirates, but I tell you Samus, I would sooner die my final death than betray them. If asked for help we will lend assistance, but have I proven to be anything but trustworthy? I am a bard, and my goal is to bring happiness to others, and if you can't trust me then don't.

[The bard sipped his tea trying to cool his head before he might get any more defensive than he already had.]


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] 2/2 tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 04:03:46 UTC
[Brooke sighed deeply]

... I apologize Samus... if you don't want my help... I'll understand.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 14 2010, 04:15:40 UTC
You can call your gang whatever fancy name you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're a bunch of traveling -thieves and murderers-.

[If she was fully coherant, she'd probably feel bad for Brooke. He'd been nothing but polite and helpful so far, offering to throw himself into danger for people he didn't know or have any reason to trust. Unfortunately she's not herself, the very mention of the profession enough to bring back memories of her parents, her colony...all dead for many years because of pirates.]

I don't know what you want out of this but...but...

[She seethes, drawing breath in through clenched teeth. The situation is dire. What had Adam always told her? "Rise above it Lady. You have to rise above it."]

...but I'm not in a position to be picky. If you want to help, fine. But don't think this makes us friends.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 04:37:22 UTC
[Brooke could hear the hurt in her voice, and feel her hatred towards him like the stab of a thousand blades. He liked her, he truly did, but he knew there were some cases where situations dictate that two people aren't necessarily going to get along. But he'd be as bad as she said he was if he didn't even try.]

I will do whatever you ask of me to help you in this endeavor. I promised to help you, and help you I shall, but I understand if I have to earn your trust. I told you before that all I wanted was to help, and that still is the case.

[Brooke turned away from the video feed but not before it was quite noticeable that there were... tears running down his cheek bones. With his back faced to the screen Brooke removed a violin from it's case and began to play a song that went like this. And he spoke while the he finished playing the song.]

Tell me where you want to meet to take down these criminals, and I will be there with, or without my crew.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 14 2010, 05:25:41 UTC
[A crying Skeleton, now she'd seen everything. It was hard not to be a little moved by his music...and a little by the tears, but she pushed it aside and buried it swiftly. He was overacting for sure, trying to get her to feel sorry for him...no reason to show that it was working, even a little.]

...how many of your crew can you gather? With all of you...we might have enough.


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 05:44:49 UTC
[The skeleton bard still didn't have the heart to look at her at the moment so merely continued to speak to her with his back turned playing his violin.]

If I managed to convince the entire crew that is here we'd have 4 extra members. If not, I might be able to convince at least two or three of them. One is a heavy duty swordsmen, who's skill with blades surpass my own. One is a Sniper who might be a bit afraid to go in hand to hand, but completely excels when he has range. One is our lady Navigator who uses a quarterstaff and has quite a bit of knowledge on weather and it's effects. If she doesn't have her quarterstaff he power is much more limited, but she's decently fast. Then there is Lady Robin, who is quite capable at submission, assassination, and a few other things. Her skills are a little hard to describe unless seen first hand.

The hardest ones to convince will be our navigator Lady Nami, and Lady Robin. Our marksman Usopp said he would be willing to help, and Zoro I can most likely lure into it with promising him the fight with the swordsmen. I might be able to bribe Nami, and Robin might do it if I ask her very nicely. Then again, most of them would likely help if asked nicely enough.


[The bard turns back slightly so that he's not directly facing her, but neither is he completely turned away.]

May I at least ask why you hate me?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] steel_goddess July 14 2010, 05:47:42 UTC
[A Swordsman, a Sniper, an Assassin and a...Navigator? Three out of four was pretty good, especially if Brooke and this "Zoro" were as skilled as he claimed. At the very least they'd make a convincing brute squad...if they could be organized.

The question got her off guard, leaving her floundering for a moment before grabbing a reply. With folded arms she bit out.]

You're a pirate, and that makes you a criminal. Do I need another reason?


[Video | Encrypted - Very Difficult] tapdancinskelly July 14 2010, 06:05:03 UTC
Yes. [Brooke was now directly facing Samus face to face again having given himself more resolve with his song.]

I have never broken the laws of this land, you don't know the laws of mine, and you do not even know what kind of criminal other than a pirate that I am. Frankly, I don't kill unless in self defense or the defense of another, I do not steal from innocent people, and I would never, ever, wish you harm. So please, tell me, why do you hate me? I know there must be more to it.


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