
Jun 29, 2010 03:19

Alright so...phew.

With the recovery from the Earthquake proceeding at a good pace, I'm pretty sure we're going to start seeing our psychotic "friends" again sooner rather than later. I'm making an assumption I admit, that the killers are still at large and not dead or arrested during the quakes, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I'd like to get a large group of people together to try and keep an eye out for them. Attempts to track them -seem- to have met with no success, so I'd say we have to play reactive to when they show their faces again. So with that in mind, I'm looking for some volunteers.

The plan I have in mind is two fold:

One: People, like myself, willing to play "bait" for lack of a better way to put it. Be out, be active, keep your NV on at all times. This way, ideally, if you're attacked then it will alert the second group.

Two: A Second group consisting of fast movers, and people who can travel at speed over the roofs and such. They'd be spread out through the city like a net, forming medium-sized triangles between them so that at any moment the "net" can be pulled tight to provide support for team 1, and to cut off any escapes for the attackers.

Obviously this plan has a lot of risk, people can get hurt or killed. I'm only asking for volunteers, and don't be offended if I turn you down for Team 1 applications. That's the worst.

Samus Out.

†: yagami raito, !: samus aran, †: hanna cross, c: nara shikamaru

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