003 {Video} Failed private to Bobby Singer

Jan 06, 2012 12:36

[The first thing you'll notice it that John looks like absolute hell. He's been floating from bar to bar or at least a day. His clothes are completely rumpled and you can practically smell the whiskey and desperation coming off him.]

Hey, Bobby? I need a favor, bad. [He scrubs a hand across his face, looking completely exhausted.] I need to crash on your couch for a while. I don't know how long, honestly. Long enough for me to get enough to rent my own place.

Me and Mary are, uh...[How does he phrase this without looking like the bad guy?]...we're "taking a break". I'd ask Sam, but I don't want him in the middle of this, and you know how bad he's been since Dean. Hell, he probably doesn't want to see me now.

Look, I'll pay you. I just can't go back there, man.

c: lucifer, c: bobby singer, c: chuck shurley, !: john winchester, c: saint michael

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