Contact Twenty Six [ Video ] Afternoon.

Jan 04, 2012 01:02

[The first time the NV turns on, it's at the Newcomer Memorial Center, with a view on one of the markers and some flowers.]

This is very beautifully done, and I-- [Raul's voice is hurt, as the NV is shifted, and then a voice is heard in the background before the NV is turned off.

When the NV is turned back on, Raul is sitting at the Newcomer Community Center office that he works out of, the windows open and a few papers on the desk.]

Before I go into anything else, I would like to entreat everyone to go to the Newcomer Memorial Center that has just opened. We all owe everything we have now, to the ones who have come and gone before us. Even spending a few minutes in silent reflection isn't enough to show our gratitude to them, but it is a start.

[His expression is solemn, before he reaches forward and shifts the NV a little, hands folding in front of him on the desk.]

It seems that there are more Newcomers coming in from the Core already. I'd like to take this time to introduce myself, as well as make a few announcements. My name is Raul Creed, and I am head of the Newcomer Political Party, here. You may have heard about it, and our name is in the pamphlet that is handed out to all Newcomers at the Tower Apartments. I am also the General Manager at Lion's Gate, a high class club, here in the city. We are always looking for more workers for the bar, wait staff, security, and kitchen, so if you are interested in finding a job, contact me about it, and we will see what we have available.

[Raul smirks.] My announcement today is for every Newcomer out there. As a political party, there are several things that the NPP does on a regular basis that benefits us all. Whether it's holding meetings so that everyone can air their grievances, or holding classes at the community center, we want to help Newcomers as best we can.

However, this can become expensive. I would like to stress the fact that everyone who works at the community center, as well as on the NPP board, does not take a paycheck. All of the money that goes into the Newcomer Fund is for the benefit of Newcomers, not for the benefit of any political party. But, to hold such things like the classes at the center, we need to spend money to make them happen. This is why I am announcing that we are hosting a Newcomer Fundraiser, here at the Community Center. This fundraiser is open to all Newcomers, and I sincerely hope that you will all attend.

[He gives a small smile.] The first part of the fundraiser is a "Silent Auction". Everyone can donate something that they have made, or perhaps some type of service that they can offer, and everyone will bid on the items. All proceeds will be going to the NPP, the Community Center, and to help fix a few things at the Towers. We are also looking to the Newcomer run businesses, here in the city, to donate things to the auction, such as gift baskets, or some type of service deal. I'm asking all of you to donate, and then bid on these items, to help us out.

[He moves some papers aside.] The second part of the fundraiser will be a party and dance at the Community Center, to take place after the auction. Admittance is free, and everyone is encouraged to attend. The fundraiser will be taking place on the 13th of January. If any of you have any questions, whether about the fundraiser or the NPP itself, you can contact me on my NV at any time.

Thank you for your time, and welcome to those who have just arrived.

[ooc: Here is the OOC planning post for the fundraiser! We need a ton of stuff to auction off, so donate anything your character wants! Any questions can go to Raul here, and even if your character is new, they can still help out, whether by bidding for something, or coming to support Newcomer at the dance!

HERE is the second part of the OOC post!]

c: sabriel, c: elaine belloc, c: lee chaolan, c: elena, !: raul creed

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