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Jan 02, 2012 15:02

It is a constant disappointment to me that humanity, which has been granted many evolutionary favours, possesses in turn such magnificent flaws as it does. The world on which we perch is a gift that often goes underappreciated, even misused, and rather than treat it with respect we crouch upon it like bacteria - a parasite - obsessed with needless consumption, burning up every natural element we can find a use for. Worse still that there are those who are presented as more than human, "gods", or with these so-called powers--there is no qualification for their prescription; certainly no requirement that those who have them be in possession of suitable - let alone supernatural - intellect, such as is significant enough not to misuse them.

But enough of that, I would like to ask you all about your perception of mortality.

In our own world, mortality is a fact that we struggle against. If your life is represented as a candle, then you are told to burn it slowly, so that it might burn for longer; that it is folly indeed to burn it at both ends--to burn fast and bright and passionately. Indeed in our world mortality is a fact. That candle, whether you burn fast or slow, may be snuffed out by the slightest gust of wind--on a whim. Yet it is human nature to delay rather than embrace the gift of life, to shy away from achieving your best out of fear. Fear of embarassment, fear of failure, fear of death. It is debilitating.

Yet here that shackle may be shaken off; after all even if you die, it is not necessarily the end. The Core provides for many a reprieve, particularly - it seems - if their lives are lost by some trauma, though my observations show that even trauma in fact cannot guarantee a safe return. Does that change the way in which you approach your lives here? Do you burn the candle at both ends, or do you instead sink into complacency and leave the risks to others? Is it a fact of immortality that once achieved, those who possess it covet their existences too much?

I should be deeply interested in hearing others' thoughts on the matter.

c: the joker, c: tim drake, c: deathstroke the terminator, !: ra's al ghul, c: death, c: misato katsuragi

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