
Jan 01, 2012 18:40

[He's sitting outside on the roof of a building, in cargo shorts and a hoodie, holding a steaming mug of the mead, snow is all around him, but Loki seems entirely neither bothered nor aware of it. Bringing the mug to his lips, he takes a thoughtful sip.]

Happy New Years, Siren's Port, consider this the proper way to start a new year off right.

Sacrifices of small animals and/or virgins are entirely unnecessary, but adulation is welcome and encouraged.

c: youko nakajima, c: deathstroke the terminator, !: loki, c: chessur, c: magneto, c: frau, c: caster, c: dr. byron orpheus, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck, c: toushirou hitsugaya

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