
Dec 22, 2011 13:00

[Jinx is sitting on the couch in her living room. The girl's definitely not as happy nor as lively as she used to be, but she's less depressed and trying to put on a good face. That wine glass in her hand probably has something to do with her talkative mood. It's a start, at least.]

You stop getting homesick after a while. Of course there's still ( Read more... )

c: demyx, c: lucifer, !: jinx, c: roxas, c: ahiru, c: danny, c: takuto hasegawa

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[Video] youllsayit December 22 2011, 22:31:38 UTC
By roasting chestnuts.


[Video] hexyoutotuesday December 22 2011, 22:33:29 UTC
[All you get is the middle finger. B|]


[Video] youllsayit December 22 2011, 22:35:01 UTC
Someone's getting coal. Maybe even black lung.


Re: [Video] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 22:38:40 UTC
...why would you give coal to someone who probably likes to set fires?

[Oh good. Shadow God didn't kill you.]


[Video] youllsayit December 22 2011, 22:42:50 UTC
[Oh. Right. You like her. So much for explaining how amusing seeing Jinx die of black lung would be.]

It's tradition.

[And since he has Aslan back he almost doesn't look like the son who just got beat down by the one person he...uh well. Lots of Feeling for God, ok. Most of them are way beyond hate.]


Re: [Video] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 22:56:14 UTC
[He's grateful. One of the boys just got out of the hospital, the other is still in.]

So is manischewitz but I don't drink it.

[Yay Aslan?]


[video] [Private | Unhackable] abrotherlikeyou December 22 2011, 22:55:00 UTC
By the by? Keep the little dog on a leash, [yes, he means Jinx] or you and Gabriel will both lose her.


Re: [video] [Private | Unhackable] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 22:59:06 UTC
I'm working on it.

[...Kids are driving him to drink this month.]


[video] [Private | Unhackable] abrotherlikeyou December 22 2011, 23:07:07 UTC
[He smiles slightly. Good.

He's going to have to deal with Gabriel, and he's not looking forward to it. But now he finally knows who was the most likely person to help Chuck trap him.

His own brother, or his brother's whore. Big surprise, really. It's not the first time he feels Gabriel has betrayed him.]

It turns out I may have a mouth to feed for a while. I thought I'd knock two birds with one rock, so: how could I go about getting a job at SERO?

Oh. And foregoing manischewitz is a sin in nine countries. I thought you'd want to know.


Re: [video] [Private | Unhackable] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 23:12:02 UTC
[He knows about it too, because Castiel told him. Although the conversation was more "...is it like normal fire or so I have to do something special to put it out."]

What kind of job would you like? I know a few who are hiring.

[He tries to respond flippantly but. He's not feeling it.]

I'll worry about that one when I figure out what to do with the millions of bodies to my name.


[video] [Private | Unhackable] abrotherlikeyou December 22 2011, 23:16:30 UTC
[...what does it say that Lucifer wouldn't be AT ALL surprised that Magneto knows about it? Though he wouldn't care so much because Mags is far more responsible with it than most people.]

Any. I'm multi-talented, you see, and Michael is the breadwinner for our household. I can't let him carry all the weight of unnecessary cash.

[But at Magneto's reply his smirk disappears, and his tone is a little wry and bitter.]

Well, I still have you beat. By a lot. [So many angels--names he knew personally, brothers he tutored--are dead because of him.]


Re: [video] [Private | Unhackable] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 23:20:46 UTC
[That he understands how prepared Mags is. And would be more reluctant to do something to someone with would terrify himself.]

Any hours you prefer to work?

[He's still shaken from Shadow!God on his TV. Which was triggering on a lot of levels. Which is there in his eyes, when he glances fully at the camera.]

I'm in good company then.


[video] [Private | Unhackable] abrotherlikeyou December 22 2011, 23:25:44 UTC
Oh, I don't sleep. I don't even power nap. Michael works the nightshift himself, so something along those lines would be best.

[Clingy, clingy little brother.]

Better than you could be, yes. [And he, too, is thinking of the Shadow!God. He almost, almost brings it up...but it's too personal. Too soon.]


Re: [video] [Private | Unhackable] makes_asteroids December 22 2011, 23:37:22 UTC
I have a few ideas then. Best to expose you to a Void first, though. Which I might be able to do, tomorrow mid-afternoon.

[After this week? Makes sense.]

[He nods. There's a quiet, fretting look for a moment, jaw muscles ticcing, the corners of his mouth pulling like he is chewing on the inside of his lip, white brows knitting, before he pulls it back.] Far better than I have been in the past.


[video] [Private | Unhackable] abrotherlikeyou December 23 2011, 07:28:07 UTC
Plan on it. [He's eager for something to do, something productive.]

I'll take that as a compliment.


Re: [video] [Private | Unhackable] makes_asteroids December 23 2011, 07:31:06 UTC
Meet me at my office at Skye, around 1030 hr? Pre-mission planning.

[He is to. Sitting idle isn't something he really can do.]

It was.


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