
Dec 06, 2011 13:54

[Video flickers on from an NV that's been dead for over a month. As always, the picture doesn't show the owner itself, but rather just the clouds in the sky overhead. Everything's damp, and a puff of breath comes in from one side of the feed. It's cold.

Snake's mind flashes through so many things. The chill of the nighttime ocean air. But more than that-]

Is this…?

'Could this place be Siren's Port?' asks Wordsworth.

[He's returned again. But the familiar cold that had greeted him when he'd arrived the first time and the instantaneous arrival and departure from his world have his sense of time reeling to say the least.]

Elliot? [He calls for what's familiar, a name he might've known in a dream or in some different reality.]

'Smile? Black?' asks Oscar.

'You do mean Ciel and Sebastian, don't you, Oscar?' asks Goethe.

[The mic is muted as speaking goes back and forth, all in the same tone of voice though.]

'Sir Liquid Snake~? Sir Francis~? Master Vincent~?' asks Emily.

[A lengthy pause, waiting for a response.]


Gilbert? Leo? Fang? Anyone?

Is anyone there? [His voice grows soft; he's getting cold.]

c: kenzo tenma, c: fang baskerville, c: destiny, c: ciel phantomhive, !: snake

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