news feed; Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Dec 06, 2011 03:04

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Weather Cloudy. Chance of drizzle. High 5°C and a low of 2°C (41deg;F/36°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Morning sirens go off at 8:56 am, and evening sirens are at 5:10 pm.


First Step in AGI Liquor Trial

A judge's ruling yesterday claimed that AGI's handling of the enforcement of city liquor codes was "concerning" and would require an official trial. Liquor law enforcement was handed over to the corporation in an effort to cut the city's budget, but AGI has been misusing their power to punish non-affiliated businesses and to cut unfair deals for their own establishments-- or so claims the criminal complaint filed at the hearing yesterday by the prosecutor's office. "These are very disturbing allegations," Judge Otto Steinberg said in his closing statement. "It is my hope that investigation into this matter in the form of a trial will shed some light on the city's concerns."

During the hearing, Prosecutor Diego Armando, representing the city of Siren's Port, suggested that AGI had been "selective" with their enforcement of city codes. "We left our pretty little law in their hands, and there's a disturbing amount of evidence that they haven't been treating her right," said Armando during his presentation of the complaint. "The city will not allow its own codes to be bent and twisted for personal or corporate whims."

Lead attorney of AGI's defense team, Michael Watkins, called Armando's complaint "absolutely ridiculous, melodramatic rubbish." "AGI has only tightened the slack on what used to be a very inefficient system," said Watkins. "While I'm sure many people are upset that their favorite local establishments have been punished, that is in no way indicative of any unsavory actions on the part of AGI. We will see the company vindicated in these matters."

The defense had hoped to get the complaint dismissed at the hearing, but were unable to convince Judge Otto Steinberg as much. The first trial date will be set sometime in January after the holidays.

- Darkness Monster Sightings Increase: A Population Explosion of Viscera
Darkness monster aficionados have reported an increase in sightings of the monsters dubbed as "Viscera" over the last week. The most popular theory is that it the monsters are connected with some of the violent murders taking place within Darkness hours, perhaps being formed by the restless souls of their victims.

Other evidence suggests that the Viscera are more complex than initially thought. There have been reports of Viscera adopting human form and behaving more aggressively. Residents have been advised to take all precautions with the Darkness-proofing of their households and when moving around the city at night. Some individuals who have personally encountered the monsters report an unusual ability to nullify powers, an unheard-of development for a Darkness monster.

When asked for an opinion as to what might have prompted a Darkness monster to evolve Null powers, SERO officials only stated that they were already conducting research to better understand the Viscera.

Among accounts of encounters with this monster, there is a small report from a girl named Minako Aino and a talking cat named Daniel, who had an encounter with something out in the darkness which matched the creature’s description. They were in the company of another teen they were attempting to save, whose name remains unknown, when they ran into a creature that was "fast, and a stubborn bastard to lose." Implying the boy was eaten, Aino quietly offered condolences to the boy’s family, if he had any.
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