
Dec 03, 2011 15:18

[Jubilee is sitting on her bed. In her lap is fabric and she's slowly sewing by hand. She looks contemplative.]

With all the talk lately, I thought I'd ask a question:

What's the difference between a vigilante, and a superhero? It's something I've thought about, ever since Edgey called me and other mutants 'vigilantes'.

I think I've finally come up with the difference:

Vigilantes usually go looking for trouble.

Superheros the trouble usually comes to us.

Not saying there aren't outliers and that the opposite can't be true, but, mostly, it's a trend I've noticed.

Now, if you don't come from a world where superheroes are the norm, I'd still be willing to hear your opinion.

[She hasn't looked up from her sewing.]

Back home, humans hated and feared mutants.

A friend of mine was almost beaten to death several times for the way he looked, or for trying to help people. And still, he refused to hide who and what he was. I've lost more than one friend to that kind of hatred and almost lost my life more than once.

And still, more of us than not chose to take up the spandex and help out the world. We didn't get paid, we sure as hell didn't get thanked, and a lot of the time we were just in the wrong place at the right time.

So, that's my thoughts on it. Anyone else?

c: godot, c: bobby singer, c: magneto, c: peter parker | spider-man, c: france, !: jubilee

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