1 [Video]

Nov 15, 2011 13:51

[Santana actually looks quite calm.

That's because she's already been given the talk. That one. The one where this is a brand new world and you're stuck here and look, here's some starter apartments, please don't try to slash me in the face on your way out -- that talk.

And as she sits inside, with her legs crossed, still wearing her outfit from her Nationals debut in New York City, the Queen Bitch narrows her eyes to the camera of her NV.]

I'm guessing this thing is on.

[And she rolls her eyes so hard it hurts.]

Hi. I'm Santana. I'm new. And I'm still convinced that this place is some weird freak fantasy and I've been kidnapped by some losers who get the most play they ever will when they turn on World of Warcraft every Friday night, but fine. Whatever. I'll just sit here in my hallucination and deal with it until I wake up.

[And then, the girl pauses, before she scowls at the camera slightly.]

Please tell me there's a bar, because if there's not, I might have to kill the landlord who gave me this room with these awful sheets.

c: godric, c: spike, !: santana lopez, c: hattie, c: blaine anderson, c: sirius black, c: cloud strife, c: christina nickson, c: nara shikamaru, c: axel, c: black mask, c: trish, c: draco malfoy, c: haruhi suzumiya, c: kurt hummel, c: gamzee makara

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