[This video is made around noon today, and when it turns on, sirens are going off; bright flashes of light from the police cars stationed around what can be seen as the Newcomer Community Center.]
There's been a bomb threat at the Newcomer Community Center. I suggest that everyone stays away from the block for the next few hours. [Raul turns the
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A Halloween prank? [ Hmm, those bags of candy sure sound attractive right now though... ]
Did you evacuate the building?
It's a good thing there weren't that many people to begin with. Still, a real bomb would probably have taken out more than just the NCC.
[He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.]
It would have taken out the NCC, the clinic, and the entire block.
[ She smiles in wry sympathy for the headache that's probably starting up. ] Do you want any coffee? I could whip up a fresh batch to thank the officers for their trouble.
[He nods.] Coffee would be nice. It might take them awhile to finish, and get everyone off the scene.
[ And so she disappears for about fifteen minutes or so, coming back out with a tray of faintly-steaming styrofoam cups of coffee to offer the remaining police officers, who seem alternately amused and annoyed by the whole thing. Raul, of course, gets an actual mug of the stuff. ]
What now?
Now we wait. And clean up once they are done.
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