003 ♠ Voice

Oct 24, 2011 23:46

[The recording starts with a breath, saturated with relief, before a calm voice filters through.]

Ah. It is, indeed, a relief to know that the distress has passed and those stream of nightmares have finally ended.

[And they have been, for quite a few days.  She only announces it for those still ignorant -- however few there were, by now.]

If you haven't already, it is a fine time to get a good night's rest. Then it will be easier to focus on other things and get your mind off everything that we've witnessed. But...it really was quite an experience, wasn't it?  It's hard to forget such a thing and move on so quickly. [Then, quietly:] It is a feeling that I know well.

I am but a stranger to many and an acquaintance to few, but if anyone finds themselves in need of an attentive ear, I will gladly offer mines. Sometimes, it is easier telling someone that you don't know your worries when you rather not trouble those precious to you. But if you want my advice, keeping it all inside, unspoken, will only eat at you and make it harder to bear. So, if you are comfortable with sharing, all you have to do is speak, and I will listen.

[With that subject settled, she proceeds onto a lighter note.]

So, putting that aside...has everyone already finished making preparations for the colder seasons?  With Halloween approaching, I'm sure it is difficult not to get wrapped up in organizing your plans for it. Oh, for that matter, how many of you are planning on dressing up for the occasion?

!: caster, c: marluxia, c: tim drake, c: frau, c: the tardis, c: snow white, c: haruhi suzumiya, *action log, c: ella

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