017 // Voice

Oct 14, 2011 22:37

[Clears his throat lightly. He's still sticking to voice, instead of flaunting his outfits all over the network. Lately he just doesn't want to be seen as much as he used to.]

A while ago on my birthday, I announced my bucket list to the network. I'd like to amend my statements, as I've revised them over the past few weeks.

I've accepted that I probably won't be returning home from here. And--that's all right. As much as I hate it here, as angry as I am that we're all trapped here... I realize that I have something here that I didn't have at home.

I have a gift and I want to use it. If any one of you is ever hurt or suffering emotionally or physically, I encourage you to seek me out in person or via the NV. My voice can heal both flesh wounds and elevate the mood, and that isn't just my ego talking. [He laughs softly.] It's cheaper than therapy, right?

That's what I want to do while I'm here. I won't give up on my dreams of stardom--nothing can ever change my mind about that. But with everything that's been happening... [He lets out a breath.] This is the least I can do.

Thank you.

!: kurt hummel, c: magneto, c: castiel, c: czeslaw meyer, c: syrena, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck, c: daedalus yumeno

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